Fame: Part 1

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In all, it was decidedly enjoyable training with his parents. Once they had figured out the different settings for the program, they really got into it. Even Jazz seemed to be enjoying herself. He quickly ran through all of his basic abilities like flight, intangibility and invisibility. After that, he demonstrated all of his ecto-energy attacks, hitting the targets in a variety of different ways, as well as practicing his ghost shield. He was remarkably pleased when he was able to duplicate himself successfully on the first try. But he had decidedly more difficulty with his relatively new ice powers.

He took a deep breath as he focused on the target in front of him, reaching for that icy core deep inside and trying to channel it through his hands. He hadn't used these powers that much since the Undergrowth incident and had never really gotten around to training with them exclusively.

After a few tense moments, he successfully summoned a beam of ice that encased the target, followed up but another beam from his eyes, and a series of deadly icicles from his hands that embedded themselves into the image of a ghost.

'Sorry,' he said, landing and shuddering slightly, 'I still haven't completely gotten used to those ones.'

'I've never seen a ghost use ice before,' Maddie said, examining his readings off a tablet.

'They're new,' he explained, 'I was taught a bit by Frostbite, this giant yeti ghost, but I really should be using them more.'

'Well either way, your power is incredible,' Maddie exclaimed, 'You're definitely stronger than most of the ghosts that we see around here. It's probably why most of our weapons aren't as effective on you, thank goodness.'

'It must be the combination of your human and ghost sides,' Jack mused, looking unusually thoughtful, 'It must let you get your energy not just from ecto-energy, but from human sources too like food, water, and rest.'

'Don't forget breathing as well,' Maddie added.

'Breathing?' Jazz asked, 'What's that got to do with it?'

'Well, ghosts don't typically need to breathe unless they're talking or using some sort of attack that needs it.'

'Like my Ghostly Wail,' Danny supplied.

'Your what?' Jack asked, looking excited again.

'It's like this supersonic scream thing I can do. It blasts everything with ghostly waves of sound but it uses up most of my power.'

'I'm definitely going to want to see that,' Maddie said, 'But what I meant was that even taking in air gives energy. And I can see you still breathe when you're in your ghost form. So that gives you more energy as well.'

'Huh, I guess I never really thought about it before.'

'Well I think that's enough for one day.'

'What?' Jack replied, 'But I wanna see the Ghostly Wail!'

'Some other time,' Maddie said firmly, 'I don't think the lab can stand up to this Wail, especially not in its current condition. Which reminds me, we've got work to do.'

She gestured to the Ghost Portal and Jack's face lit up again.

'On that note, I'm going to head back upstairs,' Jazz announced, 'I'm sure the internet is going to be going crazy with everything that's happened.'

'That's a really good point,' Danny said, 'Mom, Dad, am I good to go too?'

'Of course, sweetie,' Maddie said, 'You've got the entire day off. Just maybe don't go outside until this all dies down.'

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