How to Save a Life, Part 1

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Danny's life was settling into an easy rhythm. Every weekday he'd meet up with Tucker and Valerie and walk to school. They'd meet Sam, whose parents insisted on dropping her off so she couldn't walk with Danny, and go to their classes. They took turns fighting any ghosts that appeared during the day, while their teachers took note of how much time they spent out of class so they could catch up later. Danny's parents were much more active in their ghost-fighting now that they had Danny's notes, and it was only the rare occasion when any of the kids were called to fight. Even so, they enjoyed the time they spent together after school hours with Mr Lancer catching up on their work. Danny had felt that he might start to grow tired of the extra school hours but when it was just the four of them, he found it far more enjoyable and easy with Lancer offering help when they needed it. It definitely showed in his grades. He was going from C's and D's to A's and the occasional B. His teachers were happy that he was finally able to apply himself, his parents were happy that he was finally getting a balance to his life, and he was happy that things were finally starting to look up.

The only problem that seemed left to solve was trying to get Sam's parents to come around. The fact that she had convinced them to allow her to attend the after hours study sessions was a miracle in itself, but she was sure that it didn't mean they were softening their attitude.

'I really don't know what I'm going to do about them,' Sam sighed as they were packing up their books once their session was over. 'I think short of saving them from a burning building or something, you're always going to be a monster to them.'

'Maybe we could give them a tour of the shelter in Chicago,' Tucker muttered, 'That might make them come around.'

'Oh please,' Sam snorted, 'They like to pretend that they're charitable but it's just a farce. They only do the bare minimum to make themselves look good.

Danny was trying to not let it get to him but it was really bothering him that he and Sam couldn't spend much time together outside of school. He would often visit her house without her parents' knowledge but he hated the fact that he had to sneak around at all. And she was never allowed over at FentonWorks. She'd even been barred from Tucker's house once they'd figured out that Danny always joined them.

'When are you legally allowed to emancipate yourself from them?' Valerie asked and Sam rolled her eyes.

'I've already looked into it, trust me. But that won't really work right now. Especially with all the lawyers they have on their speed-dial. I'm just worried they'll get sick of all this ghost stuff and decide to move us away.'

That made Danny's stomach drop. The idea that Sam would be pulled away across the country, or even the world, was too much to bear. They had to think of a solution.

'Can they do that?' Danny asked.

'Don't worry, I won't let them,' Sam assured him, but he could see the faint tinge of worry that was clouding her eyes.

That meant that the idea was on the table which was much worse than he had believed the situation to be. If her parents were mulling it over, it was more than likely that they'd decide to do it, especially if they saw more ghost activity.

'It'll be fine!' Tucker declared, 'It'll all blow over eventually and we can get back to the way things were.'

Danny and Valerie glanced at each other. Both of them knew first-hand the impact that their ghost-fighting could have on the lives of those around them. They knew that it wouldn't be that simple.

They parted ways at the front doors of the school, Sam giving him a quick hug before hurrying out to where her parents were waiting for her. Danny made sure to hide himself from their searching gazes, waiting for the car to disappear down the street before turning visible again and trudging out with Tucker and Valerie.

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