How to Save a Life, Part 2

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For a moment, there was nothing, and Jazz thought maybe she had finally lost her mind with all this weirdness. But then the scroll unrolled itself in her grip and a moving image appeared on its surface and it took her a moment to realise it was a map with a line directing them to where they needed to go.

'Hold on!' Tucker said and gunned the engines. The Speeder shot back upwards, following the line the map was leading them on. Before they had even left the Far Frozen, a swirling ghost portal appeared before them and without hesitation, Tucker pushed the ship right into it. For a moment there was just swirling green light before natural sunlight almost blinded them as they appeared back in the material world.

'Where are we?' Valerie asked and Sam tapped at the onboard GPS.

'Berlin, Germany,' she said, ' Danielle should be around here somewhere.'

Tucker slowed the Speeder right down and they began to descend over the city. People below were stopping in their tracks and staring up at them but they paid them no notice, scanning the streets to try to find the one person they needed.

The Infi-Map started shuddering and Sam turned back to it. A large green dot was now flashing on its surface and she peered through the window to where it was directing them.

'There!' she said, pointing.

Down below, there was what looked to be a farmers' market going on. And darting between the stalls was a small flash of white as a ghost nipped around, taking food from those she passed without their noticing.

'I've got her.'

Valerie shoved open the door again and dropped out, activating her board and suit. She automatically locked on to Danielle as the only ghost in the vicinity.

Ignoring the people that were openly shouting and pointing up at her, she raced after Danielle who seemed oblivious to her presence until her shadow passed over her.

Her head whipped up and she immediately went fully invisible.

'Danielle, wait!' Valerie called, 'It's okay, it's just me!'

She followed the invisible ghost down into a small alleyway landing and disengaging her suit to drop to the ground.

Before her, Danielle appeared, still in her ghost form looking dishevelled and exhausted, but still ready to fight.

'Valerie,' Danielle said warily, 'What are you doing here?'

'Danny needs your help,' she explained quickly, 'He's been hurt and he needs a blood transfusion and you're the only one in the world who has the same blood as him. He needs you.'

Dani blinked and stood a little more relaxed.

'That's... a lot to take in,' she said, 'But how are we even going to get back to him in time?'

We have this map that can open portals and stuff. But that's not important. We've got to go, right now. Please.'

Dani still looked uncertain but nodded and Valerie activated her suit and board again, leading her back up to where the Spectre Speeder was waiting.

Dani cautiously landed but retained her ghostly form as she took in the presence of everyone waiting for them.

'Hey, Dani,' Sam said.

'Hi,' Dani said quietly, 'Danny needs my help?'

'Yes, and we're really relieved we found you. Infi-Map, find Danny!'

The map once again came to life and Tucker shot towards the portal it opened before them.

Sam glanced back at Dani who was looking apprehensive, staring around them at the ship, noting everyone's weapons. She did look more comfortable with Valerie but that was a low bar with the way she was acting. Jazz however, seemed to be trying to make her feel a little better.

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