Fire and Ice

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The evening was ominously dark thanks to storm clouds forming overhead when the Infi-Map dragged Danny back to Amity Park. The darkness set off an eerie glow from the flickering ghost shield and Danny was relieved to see that it was still present. But as he drew closer, he could see that it wasn't as vibrant as it usually was, its edges shimmering dangerously as it struggled to repel the skeleton army.

There was a brilliant flash of light against the shield which flickered again and Danny focused down on Pariah Dark who was bringing his burning mace up over his head to strike again. He hadn't noticed Danny's arrival yet. It was now or never.

Danny drew his left arm up and activated the Fenton Charger which began to glow. His mom had said it worked just like the Thermos so it shouldn't be too hard to manage. That was the idea at least.

Danny dove to the army, raising his arm and activating the blue beam of energy. Those below didn't even have time to turn before they were suddenly drawn up into the Charger, leaving a swath of clear asphalt in the ranks of those that remained. Some of the more powerful ones were able to wrench themselves free of the beam before they could be pulled in, but Pariah's army made use of its size rather than any individual ghost's power, and there were plenty of lesser ghosts to choose from.

In moments, Danny was rising back into the air again and veering towards Pariah. The indicator on the Charger showed that it was maxed out and he could feel the energy thrumming into his arm, just waiting to be released again.

'Here I am, you medieval freak!' Danny shouted and Pariah seemed to turn in slow motion towards him.

Danny's hand glowed white hot as an explosion of power ripped outwards, taking even him by surprise. Pariah was engulfed in a moment, as were the ghosts around him in a ten metre radius. Danny struggled to rein in the power and yanked his arm back as he realised the ghost shield was now shuddering dangerously. Without even realising, Danny had inadvertently hit its flickering surface, further weakening it.

He cut off the ghost ray, green smoke spiralling from his hand and surveyed the carnage he had wrought. The soldiers that had been around Pariah had been vaporised and the asphalt had melted, sending up acrid smoke that made Danny's eyes burn. Pariah was picking himself up from the ground, looking charred but otherwise no worse for wear. He raised his hand and his mace raced back to him. Danny gulped as he realised just how powerful Pariah was.

'You are strong, ghost child,' Pariah declared, 'But that will not be enough to save you.'

He raised the mace which burned with purple fire and Danny braced himself for it to come flying at him, but instead Pariah turned abruptly and brought it crashing down on the ghost shield.

'No!' Danny shouted but it was too late.

Flames spread along its translucent surface from the point of impact and it seemed to give a loud groan before it faded entirely, leaving the city unguarded from the invading army.

'Retrieve my crown!' Pariah roared as his ghosts surged forward. 'Destroy anything and anyone that would stand in your way!'

Danny turned and started to fly towards the front of the army to try to head them off but before he could get more than three feet, a burst of purple flame cut in front of him. He was forced to swerve violently out of the way or risk being charred but as it was, he could feel the heat of it searing his face.

'I think not, child,' Pariah Dark rumbled as he rose into the air to meet him. 'You have proven yourself more of an irritation than I initially expected. I think it is time we finish our little dispute.'

Danny faced him, waiting for him to make the first move as he glanced down at the Charger. It was reading seventy-three percent charge which was good enough for now.

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