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'So you can see here that Shakespeare is using iambic pentameter to set the rhythm for this particular sonnet,' Mr Lancer explained, 'Doing so helps structure its layout and makes it easier for an audience to follow, particularly in a space as large as the Globe Theatre where a performer's voice had to carry.'

Danny quickly made note of this in the margins of his workbook. Despite how dull his English class could be sometimes, he felt obliged to succeed in it given how hard Mr Lancer was working to make sure he and the others maintained their grades. And sometimes it could be interesting, but the structure of sonnets wasn't really his forte.

'Now onto the symbolism of roses,' Mr Lancer continued and Danny sighed silently to himself. More roses. Shakespearean people sure loved them.

A chill ran down his spine and he jolted up straight as a small fog of his breath became visible in front of him. Moments later, an insistent beeping began from Valerie and Tucker's bags.

Mr Lancer paused, looking up at them with a raised eyebrow.

'Cellphones off, if you don't mind,' he announced annoyedly.

'Those aren't our phones,' Tucker replied, already scrambling through his bag for the device he had created that acted similarly to Danny's ghost sense. Whenever a ghost came within fifty metres of it, it would sound the alert. This just proved it worked.

Danny rose to his feet and transformed, earning the sudden interest of the rest of the class around him.

'Mr Fenton?' Mr Lancer continued, nervously now as he realised what might be going on.

'Tucker?' Danny asked, trying to focus his powers on pinpointing where the ghost might be coming from.

'Hold on,' Tucker said, fitting his Fenton Phones and bringing out his tablet. Valerie and Sam were also getting their gear ready, and Mr Lancer slowly retrieved their emergency weapons from his locked desk.

'I thought your parents were on patrol today?' Sam asked.

'They are,' Danny said, 'It must have slipped–'

Sudden movement out the windows caught his attention as a black and white blur came streaking towards him.

He raised his hands which began to glow with green energy but the ghost was already upon him. It phased right through the window and slammed right into his chest. Together, they were both thrown against the far wall of shelving which came crashing down around them.

The class erupted into chaos and shouts and weapons were immediately raised and pointed towards the ghost currently huddled against Danny's chest, their white hair tickling his chin.

'Wait!' Danny said, raising a hand at his now heavily armed friends. 'Danielle?'

The ghost clutching the front of his suit sniffled and looked up at him, identical green eyes meeting.

'You've got to help me!' she breathed, and Danny took in the dried green blood smeared across the side of her head.

'What is going on?' Mr Lancer demanded and Danny looked up to see the rest of the class had retreated to the far side of the room.

'It's okay!' Danny assured them, 'She's friendly! This is my... cousin, Danielle. She won't hurt anyone.'

'You're back already?' Sam asked, lowering her gun.

'Are you okay?' Danny asked quietly.

She flinched and moved back just enough that he could see the blood spattered along her side and the torn fabric showing the various scrapes and bruises marring her arms and legs.

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