The Summons

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Danny jumped as his phone began ringing in his pocket. He shot a guilty look to Mr David who gave a long-suffering sigh.

'Really, Mr. Fenton?' he asked as Danny fumbled with his phone.

'Sorry,' Danny replied, about to turn it off when he realised it was Jazz's number. She was on ghost patrol this afternoon with her free period. And she wouldn't call him during class unless it was absolutely urgent.

'I need to take this,' he started to explain, making Mr. David's face darken. Of all the teachers, he was the only one who wasn't completely happy with the extra liberties Danny was getting from the school.

'In my classroom, all students follow the same rules,' Mr. David replied.

Danny hesitated for a moment, before answering the call and starting to the door.

'Jazz?' he asked quietly, 'Is everything okay?'

'Mr. Fenton!' Mr. David snapped, about to lunge for the phone but Danny summoned an ecto-shield between them, repelling his hand. That set him right off but Danny tuned out his ranting.

'I need help!' Jazz was shouting, 'I was following a blip on my sensor and it's one of those freaky halfas again!'

'Where are you?' he demanded, transforming.

Behind him, Sam, Tucker and Valerie were on their feet, reaching for their gear.

'North end of Jackson Avenue! Hurry!'

Danny dropped his shield and phased through Mr. David's desk to retrieve his friends' weapons, still ignoring the now furious teacher.

'SOS,' he said by way of explanation, 'We have to go right now.'

Valerie activated her suit and board, pulling Tucker up behind her as Danny grabbed the board with one hand, and Sam in the other, phasing them all through the wall.

'Ears up, guys,' Tucker said, handing Sam and Danny a pair of Fenton Phones each, clinging to Valerie to steady himself.

Immediately he heard Jazz shouting angrily and the sounds of combat through the phones and he put on a burst of speed.

'Jazz, just hold on,' he called, 'We're on our way.'

'Please hurry,' she replied and his heart clenched at the fear that was lacing her voice.

They shot past Amity Junior High, and after a moment, there was a flash of light as Dani phased through the roof and raced after them.

'What's going on?' she demanded as she struggled to catch up.

'Jazz is in trouble,' Tucker explained, tossing her another pair of Fenton Phones.

Dani's face darkened and her eyes began to glow brighter. No one was allowed to mess with Jazz on her watch.

'Danny,' Jazz's voice begged and a cold shiver raced down his spine at her tone. 'Please... I need help.'

'We're coming!' he shouted but all there was in reply was a small whimper.

His heart was in his throat now as they were streaking over Elm Road towards Jackson Avenue. There, in the distance, was the tell-tale glow of ghostly forms and pressed against the wall of a building, her armour smoking and sparking in several places was Jazz, staring up at three mutilated human/ghost hybrids that were about to kill her.

'NO!!!' Danny roared as his vision tunnelled in on her.

Without warning, gravity seemed to shift around him and his vision was filled with a blinding light. For the briefest moment, he felt like he was being constricted on all sides and he clung to Sam, terrified. Then just as quickly he could see again and he was right in front of those ghosts, several hundred yards from where he had just been.

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