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As she had predicted, the plane trip back was painfully long, filled with a number of stop-overs to refuel and restock food for the passengers. In that time, Sam and Tucker and the Fentons slept sporadically, waking every few hours for food, or whenever the plane landed briefly. But Danny slept through every stop or meal that was offered, and Sam was beginning to get concerned.

'How long has it been?' she asked Tucker after their third stop.

He yawned and checked his PDA.

'Almost eleven hours.'

Sam frowned and tentatively laid her hand over his, subtly checking his pulse. It was steady and his hand, while slightly cold, was typical what with his ice powers.

'Maybe we should wake him up,' she said uncertainly, 'Even just to have some food.'

'I say let him sleep,' Tucker replied, 'You know how he gets when he's tired. Besides, I think this is the longest, uninterrupted sleep he's had in months. No ghosts around, no stress. Heck, even I'm feeling more relaxed than I have in ages.'

Sam sighed and leaned back, but still maintained her grip on his hand. And it might have been her imagination, but she was certain she felt his own hand flex slightly in response.


Her watch was reading 4am in Amity's time, when Danny finally moved, his breath quickening as he started to wake up.

She quickly sat up, putting away the magazine she had been absently skimming though and peered at him.

'Danny?' she asked and his eyes flickered before opening blearily.

'Sam?' he replied and she grinned, relieved.

'Glad to see you're still alive,' she joked.

'Half alive, remember?' he mumbled, rubbing his eyes and stretching, his back making several satisfying pops.

'You all good, dude?' Tucker asked.

'A little sore,' Danny admitted, 'Probably from when the ghosts tried to melt me into a puddle of green goo. But I've had worse. I think.'

His stomach rumbled loudly and his grin was replaced by a look of ravenous hunger.

'I got it,' Tucker said and quickly rose to seek out one of the flight attendants.

Danny glanced at his family who were asleep opposite him.

'How are they doing?' he asked Sam.

'They're getting there,' she said, 'We told them a couple of things that happened to you as a ghost and they seemed pretty shocked. But they'll get over it. I think.'

'Like what?'

'Oh, you know. Explaining what really happened the time Walker and his cronies attacked the town. And when Freakshow mind controlled you. I got into an argument with Valerie over Cujo destroying her dad's lab.'

'How'd she take that?' he asked, glancing her way to where she was curled up against her dad, asleep.

'Not well. But she'll have to get over it eventually. We all know it wasn't your fault. She's just stubborn.'

'Here,' Tucker said, returning with a flight attendant who was carrying a tray piled with food.

'Woah,' Danny said, staring in shock.

'I figured you'd need it after everything you did,' Tucker explained.

'Thanks, Danny replied, both to him and the attendant who smiled.

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