The Battle for Washington DC, Part 1: Dani

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Danielle peered through the windows of the Ops Centre jet as it passed through the swirling green portal back to the real world. The moment they passed through, it felt like they had just entered a hurricane. The jet was rocking from side to side as blasts of ghost rays and exploded against its hull.

'Hold on, everyone!' Jack shouted as he wrenched the controls to the side. The jet jerked and Dani was thrown off her feet. She yelped and phased through the wall, floating out in the air as the jet moved away.

'Guess we're doing this then,' she muttered and directed her attention to the mess that was around her. Their portal had come out directly over the White House where it looked like the military, police and secret service were all engaged with the army of half-ghosts. She spied a few people dressed in white suits firing ecto weapons scattered about which she assumed was what remained of the Guys in White. They were having far more luck against the ghosts than the others with their weapons that were specifically designed for this situation.

'The guys down here need help!' Dani shouted into her Fenton Phones, 'Their guns aren't doing anything.'

In response, the ghost army seemed to move all at once. The Fright Knight raised his sword and let off a howling battlecry that the countless skeletons echoed. They descended, landing on the grass and taking the humans entirely off-guard. But the moment the ghosts starting fighting with them rather than against them, they seemed to accept their new, albeit ghostly allies.

The yeti of the Far Frozen were also moving to the ground, scattering amongst the streets around the vicinity and letting loose their beams of ice. Their roars of challenge seemed to catch out the attacking halfas who looked shocked at the sudden appearance of what had to be the majority of the Ghost Zone.

The rest of the ghosts looked like they were having the time of their afterlives. Dora was in her dragon form, belching flame that scorched through the streets and anyone unlucky enough not to get out of the way in time. Ember's distinctive guitar was strumming somewhere nearby, the air vibrating with the strength of its soundwaves. Technus had immediately gotten to work, summoning any electronic device in the area to form up his favourite giant mech that was stomping about the Washington Monument, sending blasts of electricity crackling outwards. Missiles were flying through the air from Skulker who was laughing in exuberance, seeming to be having way too much fun. It was absolute chaos but it seemed that their sudden appearance had shifted the battle in favour of their motley band of ghosts and humans against the halfas.

She yelped in pain as a wayward blast struck her in the back and she stumbled in the air, turning to face her attacker. Or rather, attackers. Three of the halfas were racing towards her, hands glowing with power. These had to be some of the more experienced ones with the way they were flying and she raised her hands defensively. They might have gotten the hang of their powers, but she'd been living with hers for months now. She knew what she was doing.

She ducked under another ghost ray and dashed in close, retaliating with her own right into his chest. He screamed and fell backwards, green smoke rising from the blast but Dani was already turning to the remaining two. The one on her left lunged to grab her but she easily phased from his grasp and flipped backwards, landing a kick on the underside of his jaw. He fell backwards, dropping from the air and Dani turned to the last man who was about to strike. She raised her hands and summoned a forcefield to block his ecto balls at the last second, which exploded into brilliant flashes of light. She dashed forwards before he could follow up and slammed into him with her shield. His head jerked back and green blood spattered from his nose and Dani pressed home her advantage. Before he could recover, she raised the Fenton Charger and the blue beam of light hit him directly in the chest. He shouted in alarm as he was pulled inside and Dani felt the boost of ghost energy surge through her. She took a deep breath, feeling her senses heighten and looked around for her next opponents.

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