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Breaking News! Teen Ghost Hero Danny Phantom aka Daniel Fenton has been reported missing! Sources say that the teen did not return to his home in Amity Park after engaging in his usual ghost patrol late Friday night. His absence was not noticed until Saturday morning and experts believe he might have been kidnapped. Though they did not claim to know if this was by a ghost or a human. Police and federal agents have been mobilised across the country to search, and if anyone in the public has seen anything, they are encouraged to report it to their local police station or call 911.

Sam angrily muted the television as she scanned their ghost registry. She had set up base in the Emergency Ops Centre at FentonWorks to offer her help to the Fentons who she could see were struggling. Tucker and Valerie were also present, working on their own laptops plugged into the Fenton servers with full, unrestricted access to all of their programs.

Sam was currently scanning the Fenton's satellite program which located and identified any ghosts across the entire state. And with the added support of the Guys in White, it was now able to link with their satellite and scan the entire country. But still, nothing.

'Is anyone having any luck?' she demanded, trying to keep her anxiety from spiralling into anger.

'Nothing over here,' Valerie sighed, monitoring the Ghost Zone probe that had been launched an hour earlier.

'Same here,' Tucker muttered, frantically typing. He claimed he was trying to access the public cameras that dotted the city but so far wasn't having any luck.

The Fentons were out scanning the streets, searching for any trace of Danny's ectosignature in both the RV and Spectre Speeder.

'Are you sure this is entirely legal?' Valerie asked, peering at Tucker's screen which was an unreadable mass of lines of code.

'Who cares?' Sam replied, 'The government is mobilising everything to help, why should they care if we're checking their cameras?'

'Got it!' Tucker exclaimed and Sam quickly raced to his side, peering down at the screen. Instead of code, it was now displaying a black and blue map of Amity Park with bright red points flashing across its surface.

'Let's see what we've got here,' Tucker mumbled and brought up another page which showed a list of numbers and letters. 'What time do we think he vanished?'

'Mrs Fenton says he left at eight,' Sam explained, 'And he usually went home at maybe one?'

Tucker quickly typed in this information then brought up the map again.

'He was going around the school route,' Valerie supplied, 'I'd already done the park route and Sam, you said you'd done the town hall.'

Sam nodded and Tucker began tracing the route with his cursor, selecting the flashing lights as he passed them. A list was soon formed and he clicked on the first. A new window opened, this one a recording of Oak Street with the timestamp at the bottom right showing; 20:00:00.

'This might take a while,' Tucker sighed and clicked the fast forward button as he settled in to watch.

After the first five minutes, Sam's interest waned and she returned to her seat to resume her own task.

A half hour passed before the silence was split by Sam's phone ringing. She immediately picked up, making sure it wasn't her parents, before accepting the call.


'Sam, it's Jazz,' she replied, 'We're on Arrow Road and we've found signs of an ectoblast on the sidewalk.'

Sam quickly put the call on speaker and returned to Tucker's side, relaying the information.

'Arrow Road...' he muttered, bringing up the clearest camera which was a traffic cam.

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