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Danny phased them right through the wall and into the lab, startling his parents who had been watching a movie on the couch.

‘I need help!’ he shouted, gingerly laying Jazz on one of the workbenches.
His parents thundered down the stairs, taking in the situation.

‘Where is she hurt?’ Maddie demanded as they prepared their medical equipment once again.

‘I- I don’t know,’ Danny stammered, ‘There was this ghost in the cemetery and he nearly killed me but Jazz stepped in and he pointed at her and she collapsed. I don’t know what’s wrong with her.’

He stepped back, unsure how to help, as his Ghost Sense went off once again. He barely glanced up as Dani phased down through the ceiling, landing next to him.

‘What happened?’ she asked, saying at Jazz in shock. ‘Is she okay?’

Danny shrugged helplessly, watching as his parents began hooking her up to life support.

‘I don’t know,’ he admitted and Dani silently took his hand as they watched them work.


Danny sat numbly on the couch, staring at nothing as his parents explained that she seemed to be comatose and they couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her.

Danielle was asking them a million questions but none of it was registering to Danny. All he could see was Jazz being surrounded by that swirling darkness and crumpling. Why had he destroyed that ghost? If there was anyone who would know how to reverse this, it would have been him. But Danny had lost his temper and now Jazz might be gone forever.

Jack sat next to him, his hand around his shoulders finally breaking through his stupor.

‘This wasn’t your fault, son,’ he said firmly, ‘You did everything you could to keep her safe.’

Danny flinched. But it wasn’t enough, he thought to himself.

He rose to his feet and slowly trudged to the lab door, his parents and Danielle watching him but making no moves to stop or join him. He found Jazz lying in the lab, various machines beeping nearby, telling him she was still alive, but unable to wake her up.

He dragged one of the chairs over and sat heavily, gripping her hand tightly.

‘I’m sorry,’ he said quietly, ‘I should have stopped him sooner. I should have been better. This is all my fault.’

He didn’t know how long he sat there, staring at nothing and holding her hand. He didn’t notice when his eyelids grew heavy and he slowly slumped down over her arm. The beeping of the heart monitor faded into the background.

There was movement in the corner of his eye and he blinked, coming back into focus. Jazz was standing near the entrance to the lab, looking lost and confused.

‘Jazz?’ he asked, starting to rise before he stopped and looked down at himself.

He didn’t remember transforming but there was no mistaking that black jumpsuit. He looked down and jumped with alarm. He was still lying on Jazz’s arm, eyes closed and breathing deeply. And yet he was also standing in the lab in his ghost form. Without even realising, he had somehow detached his ghost form from his human one while he slept.

Movement again drew his attention back to the Jazz that was now standing in the lab. She had started to walk up the stairs and Danny shook himself and started to follow.

‘Jazz, wait!’ he called, hurrying after her.

He ran to the top of the stairs and threw the door open, but instead of being in his kitchen, a weird grey, half-light surrounded him.

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