Fame: Part 2

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'Danny! Will you come down here?'

He muttered into his pillow and considered ignoring Maddie's call.


He grumbled and phased through his bed and the floor down into the living room, flopping onto the couch.

'What?' he asked and she jumped, turning to frown at him.

'I got an email from the school today,' she explained, sitting down next to him and opening her laptop. 'It's going to be closed for another few days. But the principal wanted you to come in and talk with them about your schoolwork.'

'My schoolwork?' he asked nervously.

'It's okay, you're not failing,' she assured him, 'They just wanted to talk about your ghost fighting. They call it 'extra-curricular activities'. Here. 'I have been discussing your grades and schoolwork with your teachers and we have come up with a number of different solutions which will allow you to both maintain your grades, and ensure that you can still participate in your extra-curricular activities.''

'Huh,' Danny said, 'That... actually seems reasonable. It'll probably help. They might want to talk to Sam and Tucker as well. And Valerie too. They all help with ghost fighting. They haven't had it as bad as me but you never know.'

Maddie nodded and began typing a reply.

'I'm going over to Tucker's,' Danny called as he floated back up through the ceiling.

'Have fun!' Maddie called as he began preparing for the day.

Tucker had texted him the day before to hang out, also extending the invitation to Sam, who said she would try to get out. Danny hoped she could, he had missed her.

To be safe, he flew, invisibly, to Tucker's house, knocking on the window before he phased through.

'How's it going?' Tucker greeted him as he transformed and sat down on his bed.

'Alright, I suppose. The crowds are still hanging around but not as much as before.'

'Well, your press conference thing gave me a really cool idea. I'll tell you when Sam gets here.'

'If she gets here,' Danny replied sourly.

Tucker grimaced. 'Her parents still hating you?'

'I don't think they'll ever stop,' he muttered, 'And I don't think anything I could do would change their mind. If saving the world won't do it, I have no idea what will.'

From the first floor, the doorbell rang, and Danny's heart leapt.

'Tucker! Sam is here!' Mrs. Foley called.

Moments later, Sam opened the door, looking slightly out of breath.

'Sam!' Danny exclaimed, leaping to his feet.

'That was a mission,' she replied with a grin, wrapping her arms around him.

Danny smiled and held her tightly, until Tucker ruined the moment with a noise of disgust.

'Come on, guys,' he said as they separated, 'Not in front of me.'

'Oh, sorry,' Sam said, exaggerating the words, 'I didn't realise you were so sensitive. You've got no problem when it's you.'

'Yeah, because it's me,' Tucker replied.

'How did you get out?' Danny asked.

'I basically told them they can let me go, or I'm gonna break a window and climb out. Grandma talked them into it. But they think I'm only hanging out with Tucker.'

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