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Mateo sighed as his alarm woke him at 6pm, an hour before he had to get ready for his night shift. He really needed to get out of La Sardina and get a better job but with barely anything to his name, his prospects were slim.

He slowly got himself ready, shuffling about his tiny home as he absently checked his bank account to see if he had enough money for lunch. And he froze in shock. His account was now telling him he had ten million pesos available. But that couldn't be right?

He reloaded the page but it was still saying that was the correct amount.

Hear racing, he quickly dialled the bank, wondering if maybe there had been an error. He certainly didn't want to go to prison for fraud, even if he had no idea about it.

'Ah, Señior Alvarez. I was told to expect a call from you this evening. How are you?'

'Never mind that!' he exclaimed, 'Can you tell me why I have ten million pesos in my bank account?'

'Absolutely. It looks like it was deposited by... oh my, the FBI in the US. It says it was done on behalf of a D. Fenton, along with a little note here that says in English, 'I know we barely spoke, but you helped me even for a short time and I'm sorry I put you in danger. I hope this helps! Danny Fenton". It was all cleared from above so there's no need to be worried.'

Mateo's mind was racing. He didn't know any Danny Fenton... except that one night when Danny Phantom had appeared at work, asking him to use the telephone, then carried him through the ceiling to safety when they were attacked.

A whoop of excitement escaped him and he babbled into the phone, 'Yes! I did meet him! This is the best day of my life! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!'

He could hear the banker talking on the other end of the line but couldn't make out anything she was saying. This money... it changed everything.


'Mom, I'm home!' Antonio called as he dropped his schoolbag in the hallway.

There was no response which was strange and he entered the living room to find her sitting at the computer with a shocked expression on her face.

'Mom?' he asked, now worried, 'What's wrong?'

She gestured wordlessly at the screen and he bent down to read.

'Wait... this is from the bank?' he asked, 'What do they mean? Ten million pesos for what?'

'I called them,' Gloria replied faintly, 'They said it was from the FBI in America. On behalf of Danny Fenton.'

Antonio gaped at her. Of course he had heard the news that Danny Phantom had made it back home, and he had been on the website where he had been thanked profusely, but he never could have imagined this.

'But... we hardly did anything!' he protested, 'He had a nap on the couch and I gave him some stuff and that's it!'

'He sent us a letter,' Gloria continued, pulling up another document.

Antonio's eyes flicked over it, still not quite able to believe what he was seeing.

'Dear Antonio and Gloria.

I know I didn't really stay with you for very long but you helped me way more than you could imagine. You showed me about Sam's secret message, you told me about the network of helpers, you got a message to my family, and in return I put you in danger. For that I'm sorry. I hope you weren't in too much trouble and I'm sorry I didn't stay to protect you but it was safer for you and everyone if I left. Either way, here's some compensation for what you did for me. I hope you put it to good use and next time I'm in Léon (while not being hunted), I'll make sure to visit.

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