Just Another Day

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Danny leaned against the wall, glaring at the man in a crisp white suit who was sitting on the couch. Maddie and Jack were sitting in the recliners, watching him just as intently. Jazz was standing next to Danny, looking ready to jump between them should the agent in their living room make any moves against him.

'So you see, Mr. Fenton. Our organisation will no longer be a threat to you or your family ever again,' Agent A explained calmly, 'And we are sincerely sorry for any trouble we have caused you in the past.'

'Sure you are,' Danny replied sarcastically. 'And how do I know you're not just saying all this to make me let my guard down just so you can attack me later?'

'You have my word as the head of the Guys in White,' Agent A explained, 'As well as the word of the President himself who thanks you for your effort in saving the entire world. We will never come near you or your family ever again. In fact, we hope that one day we can work together against ghostly threats.'

'That doesn't sound like staying away to me,' Danny retorted.

'Look, no offence intended,' Maddie interjected smoothly, 'But you haven't exactly given us any good reason to trust you or your organisation.'

'Oh I fully intended offence,' Danny muttered to himself and Jazz had to hide her smile behind her hand.

'We can't make you trust us,' Agent A said, 'But we are going to keep to our word. You won't hear or see anything from us unless you want to. If we do happen to be in town for ghost-related reasons, we will be sure to keep as far away from Fenton Works and your family as possible, unless of course we request your help.'

'And what makes you think I'll be willing to give it?'

Agent A sighed. 'You can think of us as you like, Mr. Fenton. But we will keep to our word. Thank you for your time.'

He stood and Danny tensed, but he simply buttoned up his jacket and made his way to the door. Maddie and Jack followed ensuring that he left. Danny moved to the window and watched as he got into the waiting, white SUV, and drove away.

'I hate those guys,' he muttered.

'Understandable, son,' Jack exclaimed, 'After what you've told us, I can't believe we ever let those men into our house!'

'Don't worry,' Maddie assured him, 'I'm working on a genetic identifier as we speak. No one can get into this house unless we let them in. I'll code it for Sam and Tucker as well.'

Danny closed his mouth on his unasked question and smiled.

'In the meantime,' Jazz said, 'We should be getting ready for school.'

Danny groaned. Just another addition to an already bad morning.

Now that he didn't have to hide his ghost powers, getting ready for school was a matter of minutes. Even so, he waited for Jazz to get ready before climbing into the car with her. There was no way he was going by himself. His heart was hammering as they approached Casper High.

'It'll be fine, Danny,' Jazz assured him, 'You've faced way worse than other teenagers.'

'Yeah but now they know who I am,' he replied, 'And I really don't think they're going to leave me alone.'

Jazz pulled up in the student parking lot and Danny stared out the window. He briefly considered turning invisible until he reached his locker, but he suspected that would just draw even more attention to himself.

'Let's get this over with,' he muttered, grabbing his bag and making his way towards the doors with Jazz.

He actually made it into the building before the first student realised it was him. But the moment that 'Danny Phantom' had been spoken out loud, the rest of them swarmed.

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