Imagine 10: Green Day Concert with Michael

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You and Michael were going to a Green Day concert. You both were very excited.

Michael was putting his clothes on and you were putting your makeup on.

But then...

"Babe?" Michael yelled from the bedroom.

"In the bathroom. What is it?"

"Do you have your Green Day shirt on?" he popped his head through the doorway.

"No. Why?"

He came in with the ripped to pieces shirt. It had teeth marks, rips, and drool on it.

"Oh no! Did (your dog's name) get it?!"

"I'm so sorry babe".

"Now what am I so post to wear?"

There was a pause.

"Wait! I know" Michael said as he ran back to the bed room and came back....with one of his Green Day shirts.

"No Mikey, I can't".

"Don't worry about it. I got five" he said laughing. "It might be a little big, but I bet you can work something out".

"Thank you, sweetie" you grabbed the shirt and hugged him.

"You welcome, baby" he kissed the top of your head.


The shirt was a little bit too big but you worked something out. You found a black undershirt to keep your bra and stomach from showing.

And at the end.....


Sorry that it was short but, short and sweet right? And sorry if it wasn't that good. I was on the bus thinking what I could write for my Michael Clifford Imagines. And I was listen to Green Day's "Wake Me Up When September Ends" and thought, it would be cute and sweet if I went to a Green Day concert with Michael and I worn one of his shirts. And decided that would make a good imagine. So that how I made this imagine. Hope you liked it. Don't forget to vote and comment :D

And, What is your favorite Green Day song? Mine is "Boulevard of Broken Dreams".

~ Cassie :D

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