Imagine 11: He's a Vampire

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Requested by: @Bianca_Clifford - @MixerFam

You were sick. Like very very sick. You only had a few days to live. You mostly spent you days at the hospital. Michael would try to visit but you paretns band him from seeing you. They told the nurses not to let him see you. They thought he was weird, creepy, and just plain strange.

You begged to see him but they still wouldn't let you. Even if it was you last dying wish to see him they wouldn't.


Your parents had gone home for the night and you were alone in you hopital room. Or so you thought. You woke up from your sleep that night to see Michael at the end of your bed. It was dark, you turned on the lamp next to your bed.

There you saw Michael in a white, blood-stained sweater. His black hair was messed up.

"Michael?" you said shaking. Michael had just fed. He not himself most of the time when he feeds.

He turned his head to you. His mouth was covored with blood. And his eyes were still red. You could tell he was back to him self if his eyes were back to his normal color and his fangs had shunk to normal teeth.

"Hey babe" he smiled. His fangs were still out some. You pointed to you mouth to show him that he still had some blood on him.

"Oh sorry" he got his sleeve and whipped the blood off.

He got closer to you and held you hand.

"How did you get in here?" you said weakly.

"The window..." he smiled.

"You got to stop doing that" you laughed a little.

He stroked your cheek with his maybe dried up bloody hand.

"How long?" he said in his soft deep voice.

"I don't know...a day or two".

You could feel he was in really deep pain. He just can't show it.

"I've been thinking..." he said with dried blood hands touching your hair.

"No. I told you once. I just leave my family like that. Not telling them where I'm going or say I can't see them again" you said keeping tears from running down your face.

"What? Your dying anyway. I love you too much to let you go. They'll think you dead. Well you will be but not dead, dead. Please? Not to sound like Edward Cullen but, we can be together forever. (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) I love you so much. I couldn't find love as a human, and I can't stand not finding love as a vampire. I fell in love with you beause you beautiful. You beautful right now. And you alway will. You accepted me for who I was. You still loved me...even when I am covored i blood and may have some flesh in my teeth" he chuckled.

You giggled. It was silent for a bit. You could hear te nurses talking getting closer to your room.

"You got to go, now" you pushed him off the bed and he fell on the floor. You looked to see if he was ok but he was gone. You heard the door starting to open. You quickly pretended to go back to sleep. All the rush started to make you weak again and have a headache.

You heard the nurse's footsteps in your room.

"Who left the window open?" she said closing it. She came close to you bedside. "Poor girl. At least she's having a goodnight sleep" she then left the room.

"It's safe now babe" Michael whipered in your ear. You open your eyes to see him at your face. He tried to pull you into a kiss but you put your hand on his chest and pushed him away.

Michael Clifford ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now