Imagine 16: He hits you -sad imagine

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It is 11:22 pm. You are still awake. You are folding your 2 year old daughter and 4 1/2 year old son clothes. Michael is somewhere partying and getting drunk. You and Michael love life feels like it's coming to an end.

After you son just turned 2, Michael has never been his sweet loving self. All he wants to do is party and drink. Your daughter and son have gotten to where they barley see him and when they do...he's drunk. They always ask "Mummy where's daddy?" But all you can say is "I don't know, sweetie. I don't know". And it is true. You don't know where the man that you fell in love and had two kids with is.

As you are folding clothes, tears ran down your face. You are thinking of either thinking of leaving him, or staying. You love him with all your heart, but you don't know him anymore.

The clock now says 12:00am. You hear the door open and slam shut. You turned around to see Michael. His hair is messed up, he is sweating, and his eyes are half way shut.

"Babe? Why...are awake?" he said drunkly.

"Michael, we need to talk! I'm sick and tired of you coming home late! I'm sick of staying up all night thinking if you were ever coming home! And lying to our kids! Telling everyone we're happy when were not! I miss you! I miss kissing you good morning without having to taste beer on your lips. I miss seeing our kids laughing when your around. I miss not worrying about you when your gone. I miss...everything!"

"What are you talking about?" he said falling over some.

"You don't know your family anymore. Your never around. The only one who has been a father figure to the kids is Luke. He takes them to the park, the movies, to school, everywhere! While your at the bar drunk or asleep from being drunk!"

"I do to know my own family!" he yelled stopping his foot.

"Oh yeah Michael? What is Emma's favorite color? Or what Little Mike want to name his first pet?"

"How am I so post to know that?"

"Michael! You are their father! You so post to in every part of their life! I got a call from Emma's teacher the other day. The hole pre-school class was so post to draw a picture of their family. And do you know what she drew? She drew herself, me, and Little Mike. Her teacher asked where you were. She said "I don't have a daddy. He's never home".

"What does she mean I'm "never home"?

"Michael! When was the last time you spent time with the kids?"

He was silent.

"3 months Michael...3 months".

"How dare you! How dare you tell me how long I haven't spent time with them! I gave up almost everything to be with you and those kids. I almost left the band because I was spending too much time with the kids and-"

"They wouldn't be in this world if you had never met me!"

"Shut you mouth! I wasn't finish!" He walked over to you and hit you in the left eye. You fell on the ground hitting you head on the floor. You eye was already swelling up. Tear were now all over you.

"Oh my God! (y/n)! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it!" He got down on the floor with you and pushed your hair back seeing the now black eye.

You pushed him away. "Get your hands off of me! The old Michael would never have hurt me! He would never yell at me! He would be with me and for his kids! Just leave! And never speak to me again!" 

Michael backed away and ran out the door. Slamming it.

Still on the floor you sobbed. Wishing the old Michael was back. Flashbacks raced in your mind. The day you met him, your first kiss, the day you got married, your kids being born. 

Still crying your son stand it the corner of the hallway. He then walked to you and hugged you.

"Mummy where's daddy?" he said in a sleepy voice.

"He's gone sweetheart" you whipped the tears off your face and kiss his head.

"Mummy I had a bad dream. You and daddy were mad at each other. And I heard a scary noise and woke up" he rubbed his eyes.

You got off the floor and picked him up. "Is your sister awake too?" you asked him.

He nodded and rested his head on your shoulder.

You walked in your daughters room and picked her up. And took them to you bed. You didn't want to sleep alone tonight and your kids were having trouble sleeping so you let them sleep in your bed. 

They fell a sleep soundly but you were still awake thinking again your future. But after a while you fell asleep having your arms around you kids.

Sorry if this was bad. I am not use to writing sad imagine. I always write sweet and cute ones. Just thought it was time to make a sad one. I have worked on this for a while but hoped you liked it. This one was requested but I don't remember who did and I'm very sorry for not remembering. But please vote and comment what you thought. Thank you!

~ Cassie :) 

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