Not a update

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As you can see...I'm back! Found a way to update imagines without my MacBook Air. But I am now working on a Michael Clifford/5SOS Fanfic. It is called "Falling in Love with my High School Bully". The first chapter is already up and please tell me what you thought. It might be short and not that good a first but it will get better. I will be updating imagines again soon. I've been out of school for about a week but been very busy already. I have to take very good care of my grandparents right now and go to my grandparents VBS and my chruch's VBS next week. But please wait. I know some of you want me to update but I will SOON. Thank you so much again for reading and voting for my imagines :D I will update "Falling in Love with my High School Bully" as soon as I get 4-6 votes and over 20 reads. Have a nice day!

~ Cassie :D

Michael Clifford ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now