Imagine #2 Christmas with him....

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Imagine: It's Christmas. One of your favorite time of the year. Your husband Michael is coming home from tour to spend Christmas with you. And you have a big Christmas present for him. And you can't wait to show him. 

You cook a fancy dinner for Michael because you thought he was tired of eating cold pizza or other junk foods on tour. But you get a call from him saying he missed his flight and wasn't going be there for Christmas. 

You go to you room and cry because it's your first Christmas as a married couple and it was all ruined. A couple of hours later you fall a sleep. The next thing you knew you felt someone climbing into the bed and put their arms around. You turn your head and and see that Michael is falling a sleep. 

You turn your body facing his and rest you head on his chest. 

"Merry Christmas" you whispered lifting your head kissing his cheek.

"Merry Christmas, babe" he said kissing the top of your head.


The next morning you wake up to the bed empty. You started to wonder where Michael was. 

"Michael?" you said hoping he would answer.

The next thing you see is Micheal run in the hall coming towards you with only his pajama pants and a Santa hat. 

He jumps in the bed yelling "Merry First Christmas!". He would kiss you cheek repeating "Merry First Christmas!". 

You got annoyed. So you got your hand and squished his face to his lips were like fish lips.

"Just shut up and kiss me!" you yelled for his attention.

"OK" he said with his face still squished. 

You kissed him softly and it became a little more ruff because he has been gone for soo long. You hugged him tightly and he does the same to you.

"I missed you" you said resting your head on his shoulder.

"I missed you too (y/n)" he said stroking your head.

You let go and said "Now let go open some gifts". 

"Yay!" Michael yelled running down the hall acting like a child. 

You and Micheal open alot of gifts. From family, close friends, and some fans.

You and Michael have opened every gift that was under the tree. A few minutes later, Michael gave you your gift from him. It was a (what you wanted for Christmas). It was the best gift you got. But then it was you turn. 

"I got you two gifts" you said to Michael. Michael had a face of wonder. 

"Two?" he said wanting to know why. 

You gave him his first present. It was a new (whatever you want to give him). He had a big smile on his face.

"And now for the next one" you said handing the next present to him.

When he opened it his face had wonder again. And he laughed some. 

"Why are there baby boots in here?". You smiled and started giggling. 

Than all of a sudden he dropped the baby boots and covered his mouth with his hands. He had a shocked happy face. 

"Wait...are you?" 

You nodded your head with a big smile on your face. He got up from the ground, picked you up and you both landed on the couch. He was on top of you and he keeped kissing you.

"By next Christmas, I'm going to be a daddy" he said still kissing you.

Ok this one was bad. But I hoped ya'll still liked it :) Don't forget to vote and comment :D

~ Cassie

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