Imagine 13:You and you little girl are sick and Mikey takes of the both of you

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You had gone to bed early because you were feeling a little sick. And your little girl (Y/D/N) who is three, had been fussy all day so Michael took her to bed. You head and stomach were hurting and you started to think it was the flu.
You and Michael were not both in the bed. You were moaning and groning all night because of your stomach hurt so bad. Michael rested his chin on you shoulder and rubbed you belly to make it feel a little better which it worked a little.

But as you were about to sleep a little better when, you heard (Y/DN) crying from her room. Your about to get but Michael said he got her.

You fell back asleep but woke up by Michael shaking your shoulder.

"Mikey? What wrong?" your voiced cracked.

"(Y/D/N) I think is sick. She's really warm and just threw up in her bed".

"There is some meds in the kitchen. Give her some and change her sheets. Give her some extra blankets to break the fever. I think she'll be fine" you then fell back asleep.


The next morning you felt worse. And so did you little girl. You both thew up all day and (Y/D/N) would fall asleep but cry ever time she woke up. Michael stayed at home to take care of the both of you.

Your little girl woke up from her nap and started to cry again. Michael got her and gave her more meds and took her youthe room you shared with him. You were still asleep but Michael had sat on the bed and put (Y/D/N) on his lap.

But when you woke up from your nap to see next your (Y/D/N) sleeping on Michael's chest and Michael was sleeping too. The TV in your room had on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Her favorite show. You grabbed you phone and took a picture of them.
You were going to post it on Twitter but you had a notication. It was from Michael. You then started to it.

@Michael5SOS: Here at home with my sick girls. Hate to see them like this. But gosh, they're still beautiful even if @Y/T/N looks half dead and Y/D/N throws up evey time she moves. I am a very lucky guy to have them in my life. I love you and our little girl @Y/T/N. Forever and Always.... :) xoxo

A weak smile came you. You looked back at them still perfectly sleeping in peace.

You then post the picture and said,

@Y/T/N: My world. Thank you baby (@Michael5SOS) for taking care of us. And I love you too.

You put you phone away and tried to go back to sleep. You felt something on you hand. It was Michael's hand. You felt his body move closer to where you were now cuddling with him.

"You guys better not get me sick" Michael joked.

"Don't worry babe. At least you'll suffer with us" you joked.

He kissed the top of your head. Leaving you eyes getting heavier and you then fell fast asleep in Michael's arms.

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