Still not an update...sorry, But need HELP!

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Do any of you have a favorite 5SOS or Michael Clifford Fanficion you like. I have somewere to be on friday and I need more stories to read. My grandmother on friday is having life-threating surgry :( . And needs some prayers. So if you could at less pray for her that she makes it that would be very great. My grandmother knows I'm writing this and she said thank you for praying for her. And the surgry will take hours so I will need something to do. I can alwas watch videos on youtube but it sucks away the battery. I just want you to recament some of their fanficion. And thank you for keeping my grandmother in your prayers.

And thank you so much for the ALMOST 4K reads. This really great! And sorry for the lack of updating. I have just been very stressed. And took a break from the imagines. And I know I have been updating my Fanfic, "Falling in Love with my High School Bully (Michaqel Clifford Fanfic)" every week or so. But that because I've run out of imagine ideas. I know some have gave me ideas but I didn't know what to do with them. So you can say I'm taking a break. But once I think of one I will post it. And I said that Luke and Calum imagines, well I discided not to. But it for other reasons that I can't explin. Please if some of you havn't please read my Michael Clifford Fanfic.

Thank you for being pacint and I will be writing again soon.

~ Cassie :D

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