Imagine #3 Surprise gone wrong....XD

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I hope your liking my imagines and thanks for reading. This one is a little longer but I hope you'll like :)

Imagine: Michael is on tour. And it's been 6 months. You miss him dearly. But you saw on the new and the internet that Luke, Calum and Ashton are on break. But Michael is not. 

You call to ask him why he wasn't coming home. You got this voice mail. You called the other boys to ask why he wasn't coming home. They all said the they were sorry but they were busy. You understood.

After calling the boys you get a knock on the door. You hoped it was Michael. But when you opened the door it was the post man with a package. He looked liked he was in his mid 30's and had tan skin.

"Excuse me ma'am, is Mr. Clifford home?" he said in a weird, creepy voice.

"No. Sorry he's not" you said still hoping he would come home soon.

"Well, are you Mrs. Clifford?" he said scratching his head.

"No. But I hope to be soon" you said crossing your arms.

"What do you mean?" he said in his weird voice again.

"Me and my boyfriend have been going out for 3 1/2 years and I thought we would be engaged or married by now"

"Why do you think he's taking so long?" he said still scratching his head. Why was he asking you all these questions?

"Well he's on tour a lot and he's always busy. So it would make since why he's taking so long".

"Oh..." he said looking like he was disappointed.

"Are you OK?" you said wonder if he was alright. 

"I'm OK" he said looking into you eyes. His eyes looked familiar. Like you seen or know him. for a little bit that's all you were focused on.

"Well I-I hope that day will come" he said with a smile. His smile looked familiar too. 

"Thank you" you said taking the package and about to shut the door. 

"Wait. Um, before I leave, can I tell you something?" he said keeping the door from closing.

"That depends" you said wondering what he wanted to tell you.

"Or maybe show you" he said with a creepy smile.

"Wh-" you couldn't finish. He pushed inside the house with one hand on you waste and the other on your cheek. Kissing you ruffly and pressing his hole body on top of yours. His lips started to trail down your neck.

You realized what he was doing to you. You pushed him off, slapped his face and kicked him in the nuts.

He fell in the floor with his hands holding his nuts. He groaned and said "I should have seen that one coming. God it hurts!"

"Who do you think you are?! How dare y-" you didn't finish you sentence because something caught your eye. Some blue hair was sticking out of the mans dark brown hair.  

He was in pain so bad that he could barley move. He would groan every time he moved. You started to pull on his hair. It was fake. You pulled more off and the skin was even come off. You go sick some. The fake skin covered his hole face. Instead of it tan. It was really pale. You got the wig and fake skin off of him. But his face wasn't facing you.

But than his face turned to you direction. And you saw it was...Michael?!

"Oh my God, Michael!" you said in shock. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!"

"Surprise?" he said whimpering in pain.

You help him up but he groans still. 

"You know you got what you deserved. How dare you scare me like that?! What if a man really was trying to ra-" But you were cut off by Michael's kiss. This time it was soft and maybe a little ruff. You could really tell now it was really him. 

"I'd bet the crap out of that guy" he breathed out letting you go. 

"But why?" you said off focused from his kiss. 

"Because I wanted to know".

"Know what?"

"If you were ready to marry me?"

You laughed a little. "Wait...what?" you said with a big smile.

He knelled down on one knee. Joyful tears ran down you face. He grabbed the package and opened it. A little black box fell into his hands. He opened the little black box reveling a beautiful diamond ring. And he said,

"(y/n) (y/m/n) (y/l/n), I promise to love you forever and always for the rest of your life. Will you do the honor of marrying me?"

You hands are covering your mouth. More joyful tears ran down your face. You have been waiting for this moment for so long. You fall on your knees putting both your hands on his cheeks and said "Yes. Yes I'll marry you, you idiot". He whipped your tears and placed the ring on your finger. And you kissed for the fist time as a engaged couple.

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~ Cassie 

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