Imagine #5 (Part 2) Your Pregnant?!

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Thank you guys for reading and voting on my Imagines. So here is Imagine #5 (Part 2). Hope you enjoy it :) This might be a long one. Maybe get to where I might I have to make a part 3 if it gets too long.

Imagine: You have been sick lately. You have been getting headaches, tired, always hungery, and sometimes feel like your going to throw up. Your thinking it's almost that time of month. Because not because of what's wrong... because you were crying in the middle of watching A Dolphin's Tale.

Michael is getting ready to go on tour. His date got changed from soon to a few days. You and Michael planned to have a fancy date night before leaving and not coming back until the holidays. 

You got dressed in a cute red dress with your hair in a bun and wore you new shinny red high heels. And Michael is wearing a tux and since your dress and shoes are red he colored his hair red. 

But you still wasn't feeling good so you brought your stuff just in case.

You and Michael were in the middle of eating when he ask "why you were crying in the middle of the movie".

You told him it might the month and it's very happy movie.

But as you were eating, you started to get a headache, and you were more sick than ever.

"Babe? Are you ok?" Michael says with concern. 

Than it happened. You pushed him away, and ran to the bathroom. Where you spent the last 30 mintues puking you guts out.


When you got home you took some meds, bushed your teeth, and went to bed. 

"I hope your not getting sick babe. I hate to leave and you here sick".

"It's just the women problems. I should have it the morning" you said feeling Michael's arms around you and falling a sleep.


When you wake up Michael is gone. He's down stairs on the computer eating breakfast.

You got off the bed an ran to to the bathroom hoping you have it. Nothing. 

You go down stairs grumpy and fix breakfast. Michael is still on the computer.

For breakfast you have a bowl of cereal...with an apple...and an orange...also oatmeal. 

"Dang babe, think you have enough to eat?" Michael said staring at his computer.

"Shut up Michael! I can eat whatever I want" you snapped.

"Calm down, I was just joking" he laughed.

While you were eating you said "When do you have to go?"

"We leave around three. Our first show is tomorrow about 7 hours from here".

"Oh" you said finishing you breakfast.


Before Michael and the other boys left you made-out with Michael for about 3 mintues, and hugged and kiss the other boys on the cheeks because their like your brothers.

After they left you and Calum's girlfriend, Luke's fiancee, and Ashton's wife went out for a late lunch


I the middle of talking Ashton's wife was talking about that they were going to start a family when he was done with tour, when all of a sudden you have another headache.

"Hey (y/n), when are you and Michael starting a family?" Calum's girlfriend said.

Still in pain you said "What?"

"(y/n) are you ok? Do you need some water?"

"No. Just a little headache. It's almost that month. But it's a little late".

"When were you so post to start?" Luke's fiancee said eating her food.

"I was so post to start a we--" you paused. You got your phone to look a your calendar. You were late by a week. 

"Well?" Ashton's wife said.

"A w-week a-ago" you said shocked and shaking.

"Are sure? When was the last time you and Michael...well" Calum's girlfriend said.

"We had fight the other week. I was ready to start a family but he wasn't. And after we said 'sorry' to each other we...we...well".

"Did he... use protection?" Ashton's wife said whispering.

You shaked your head still shocked.

"Oh my you think your pregnant?" Luke's fiancee said.

"I can't be. Michael's on tour and he said he's not ready and..." you said freaking out some.

When you got home you took 4 tests and they all had pink pluses on them but one. You go in you bed room lying on the bed. Think of how to tell Michael. Thinking about what the future's going to be like. 

You decided to tell him to get it over with. But than you felt sick again. You ran in the bathroom throwing up. A few seconds later you hear the phone ring. you grabbed a towel and answered the phone. 


"Hey babe it's me".

It was Michael. Trying not panic, you said, "Oh hi sweetie. Are you at the hotel yet?"

"(y/n) is only been 3 hours since I left"

Looking at the clock, "Oh yea sorry baby. I've just still been sick".

"Are you still throwing up?" he said with a concern voice.

"Yea I'm but I'm ok. I'm thinking of going to the doctors".

"I'm sorry baby. Listen babe I got to go. Luke, Ashton, and Calum are-" he cuts off. Then you hear Ashton yell "Die you stupid-", and Calum shout "WhooHoo! Yea!".

"Hold on a sec babe...SHUT UP! I'M ON THE PHONE WITH (Y/N)! And why are you throwing pies at the drivers?...I want to....wait hold on. Hey babe I got to go, I'll Skype Call you when we get to the hotel. Love forever".

"Yea, l-love y-you too".

You hanged up the phone. 

You lie an the bed. You were thinking of how to tell Michael. It would have to be soon. You cried for a bit but you stopped. And for the rest of the night before Skyping Michael, you were finguring out how to tell him.

Ok I know the ending was bad but hoped you liked the imagine. Keep an eye out for part 3. Don't forget to vote and comment for me to update :D

~ Cassie 

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