Chapter 3- Meeting the Family

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Chapter 3- Meeting the Family

Qiu Chen sat down ignoring all the mocking eyes and sneering voices. First thing he had to do was to change his seat. Qin Shui might be able to stand this green tea bitch, but he couldn't. After a few minutes Tang Feng also came.

"A-Shui, are you okay?"

Qiu Chen looked at the 'concerned' face of Tang Feng. He sneered in his heart, "such a white lotus". But he ignored him according to the character setting.

"Hey, why are you not replying? He is being so good to you, what are you being so rude for!" Chang Shi, a lapdog of Tang Feng scolded Qiu Chen.

"Because he is an asshole!" another lapdog sneered. The whole class laughed at it.

People, they'll never hesitate to throw a stone at you when you're in the mud. But they forget that the strongest buildings are made of stones.

Qiu Chen said nothing, took out his book and started reading.

Chang Shi tried to scold him more but the teacher came at this time. So the students went back to their seats.

Qin Shui, although wasn't a study god, he was at least a decent student. All the grades he achieved were achieved through his own effort. He was unable to look at someone else's paper and copy it. "Too honest" Qin Chen thought. But the situation now is quite unfavorable as even the teachers started to look at him through tinted glass.

After the class, Qiu Chen went to the administrator's office to request for a different seat. In this university students' seats were arranged according to their results. If any student wanted to change their seat, they had to apply to the administrator and show a reasonable cause.

As Qiu Chen entered the administrator's office, he saw a person he didn't think he would meet here.

"Big brother!" Qiu Chen cried.

It is Qin Shing, Qin Shui's elder brother and the new President of Qin Corporate.

Qin Shing just looked at him, frowned and then turned back to continue talking to the administrator.

"Does your university do nothing about rumors?"

Administrator Fu was already sweating when he heard Qiu Chen calling Qin Shing big brother. He never assumed the quite bullied boy to be the second young master Qin.

"The school can't take any action unless it goes to some extreme level" he helplessly replied.

"Well, then we can also take actions here and there unless it goes to some extreme level?"

Administrator Fu's face paled.

"Don't be afraid, we are law abiding citizen" Qin Shing suddenly smiled.

Seeing him smiling a chill went down Administrator Fu's spine. Who doesn't know when this cold unsmiling god smiles it means someone is going to have really bad luck.

"You come home with me" this sentence was directed to Qiu Chen. He followed Qin Shing with a blank face.

Qiu Chen was lost in thought. Qin Shui always thought that his family was ashamed of him for the rumors. That's why he never reached out to them. He didn't know his big brother came to the university for him. He silently bore all the grievances himself. Qiu Chen felt pity for the poor boy.

"My brother is really handsome" Qiu Chen looked at 190cm tall and well-built man. He followed him to the car.

Entering the car Qin Shing silently looked at Qiu Chen, his aura intimidating.

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