Chapter 5- The Raven

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Chapter 5- The Raven

Qiu Chen called for Xiao Li at the thought of having some fun. "Call Butler Wang for Ben Fei."

After a few minutes Butler Wang came in front of Qiu Chen. He saw Qiu Chen was half lying on the couch with his eyes closed, resting his head on his hand. He looked so soft and elegant that it gave Butler Wang an illusion that what happened in the study in the noon was not real.

Qiu Chen, when he detected Butler Wang coming, activated the charm again. He opened his eyes. Song Ruzhen had a pair of fox eyes. So when Qiu Chen opened the eyes and the rays of the sun that was already on its chariot running towards the horizon fell on them, it created an illusion that those eyes could make any man to fall to their death just by casting a glance at them. Well, it was for ordinary people. To Butler Wang those eyes seemed like the representation of the Grim Ripper. His heart came up to his throat out of fear. He didn't dare look at Qiu Chen.

Qiu Chen looked at Xiao Li. Xiao Li understood his meaning. She went out of the room and closed the door on her way. Qiu Chen looked back at Butler Wang.

"What hour is this Butler Wang?" Qiu Chen asked in a low voice. Anyone who would hear him, wouldn't find anything abnormal. But Butler Wang was different. He was almost scared dumb.

"To return to Wangfei, it's almost the You* hour," Butler Wang replied trying not to stutter. (*5-7 pm)

"When I was telling you to think about your punishment, what time was it?" Qiu Chen asked again.

" was al...almost W...Wei* hour," Butler Wang couldn't help but stutter at this point. (*1-3 pm)

"Two shichen*. Are two shichen enough for you to think about it? What did you come up with?" Qiu Chen said as he looked down at the butler's knees which were trembling slightly. It made Qiu Chen smile sweetly, like he was watching some great show. Butler Wang was scared even more. He could not come up with any idea. (*Ancient time system in China, each 24 hours were divided into twelve sections, each two hours and were called shichen)

Having enough fun by scaring Butler Wang, Qiu Chen thought of being a "good man" and "help" the butler come up with an idea.

"Since the butler is an elder and watched Wangye grow up, Ben Fei should help Butler Wang think, shouldn't he?" Qiu Chen's words made Butler Wang so scared that his thick robes showed traces of sweat leaking out.

"Death? I don't think Butler Wang has the face to meet Gui Fei down in the underground." Qiu Chen sounded like he was thinking hard. But his words fabricated a picture in the butler's heart. He saw that he was in the underworld, Gui Fei standing before him and asking him why he betrayed her and her son. Butler Wang fell on his knees hard, but he couldn't feel any pain. Qiu Chen saw it with the corner of his eyes. He then looked outside through the window as he continued speaking.

"How about giving you a chance to repent? Butler Wang, do you agree?" Qiu Chen asked.

Butler Wang thought he heard wrong. But he still replied hurriedly, "This slave is a great sinner. He would anything to reduce his burden of sin. Wangfei, please show this slave the way."

"Resume your works like nothing happened and we don't know anything. The thing you were doing for them, now do for us. I want to know everything that is happening on the other side." Qiu Chen spoke, still looking outside.

Butler Wang bent down his spine and saluted Qiu Chen with his forehead touching the ground.

"This slave thanks Wangfei for giving a chance to him. I will die to live up to Wangfei's expectation," Butler Wang swore.

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