Chapter 11- Closing the Net (Part 1)

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Chapter 11- Closing the Net (Part 1)

After finishing the formalities Zhao Yichen and Qiu Chen sat down in front of the Emperor. Zhao Yichen presented the report and evidence that showed the result of his investigation. All the bribery, officials getting promoted by illegal means, embezzling funds everything was written in details. But the most important report was about the illegal trade that was going on for quite some years. It was the salt-trade. Most of these officials reported were involved in this either directly or indirectly. The Emperor furrowed his brows more and more. He was having a headache. If he were to act against them, he also needed a bunch of people to occupy their positions. To gather and appoint so many people all of a sudden was a headache, not to mention, whether they would be trustworthy or not.

Qiu Chen knew what troubled the Emperor all of a sudden. He presented another report timely. It was about some capable people in each province. The life experience of these people were also mentioned. Most of these people either suffered from war and couldn't get enough money to bribe for their official position, or left behind sons and grandsons of past loyal royal servants who were suprpressed and bullied by the corrupted governors. They were all investigated by the Ravens. All of them were loyal to the country, not to any person. Many of these people were planning to rebel, but were temporarily appeased by Zhao Yichen.

The Emperor's furrowed brows loosened a bit seeing this report. But it did not last long because of Qiu Chen's next words.

"Father Emperor might want to see this report. All those crimes were operated from the capital. Some important ministers are also involved," Qiu Chen said as he handed over another scroll to Chief Eunuch Zhou who presented it to the Emperor.

The forhead veins of the Emperor bulged after reading it. Not to mention some small ministers and noble familes, even the Duke Song and the Right Prime Minister were involved. And both of them were tied to the Second Prince. Now he can see why this big matter went unnoticed for so many years. Because people were deliberately covering it up. Chief Eunuch Zhou handed calming tea over to the emperor.

After a few minutes the Emperor laid all three reports side by side to judge them all together. Qiu Chen and Zhao Yichen sat patiently waiting for him to finish. But the child inside Qiu Chen kicked again. He still was not used to this. His face showed visible discomfort. Zhao Yichen hurriedly hugged his shoulder. The Emperor was emmersed in work, so he did not notice. But Chief Eunuch Zhou noticed.

"Is Wangfei uncomfortable?" He asked with concern.

"......It's the child," Qiu Chen said with a red face.

This time even the Emperor was paying attention. "Someone! Call the imperial doctor!" He shouted in hurry.

"Father Empeor, don't get busy. It's a normal reaction," Zhao Yichen said calmly.

"He's pregnant with YOUR child and is uncomfortable. But you're saying it's normal!" the Emperor scolded Zhao Yichen.

Zhao Yichen really doubted that his father was treating Qiu Chen as porcelain doll. His father had only one daughter, who was nowhere near soft and squeamish. He did not even have any ger son. So all his life he could not "spoil" anyone. Now all his attention was on Qiu Chen.

"....Pray Father Emperor calm down. It's your grandchild. He's quite lively inside. Erchen is not used to yet," Qiu Chen turned scarlette while talking. After all it was his father-in-law, and he never thought of explaining these things to anyone before coming to this world. He was really embarrassed.

"Grandchild? He's moving?" the Emperor was exited this time. After excitement was over he turned nostalgic, "When Xing'er* was pregnant with Yichen, she was also uncomfortable sometimes. This child was also very lively." He said with a trace of sorrow on his face. (Gui Fei's name)

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