Chapter 3- First Encounter with the Zombie

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Chapter 3- First Encounter with the Zombies

Qiu Chen decided not to care about those people after driving them out. He came out of the villa with Commander Xiao. Outside the walls of the villa stood two more military trucks. Commander Xiao gave Qiu Chen heads up about the situation. There were about 30 people in each of the trucks, of which 20 were people without abilities who were rescued from attacked cities, and 10 were soldiers who were in charge of protecting them. The team that went in to help Qiu Chen was consisted of An Zi’s most trusted sub-ordinates. Other soldiers in other trucks are also from the same regiment, but not directly under An Zi’s command.

After having an idea of overall situation, Qiu Chen entered the van with Commander Xiao. The matter of his space ability should not be known by other people of other two trucks. There were 90 mouths to feed and it will take almost one and half a day to reach the base. They decide to drop by some abandoned supermarket to collect ration and other daily necessities.

After driving non-stop for almost four hours they found an abandoned supermarket. Ten people including Qiu Chen entered the market. Although Commander Xiao tried to stop Qiu Chen, he could not cope up with the spoiled young master’s temper.

The isles of the market were massacred, like something terrible happened here, but from an overlook of the goods, not many things were missing. It seemed like someone fought for their life here, but did not have the time to take anything. Qiu Chen got a bad premonition. He turned on the system’s navigation system. There were zombies on the second floor, he also detected the presence of a person. But the presence was so week that the navigation system almost missed him. Qiu Chen was about to tell Commander Xiao about it when he sensed another zombie wave coming from the backside of the market.

“Commander, go to the second floor, take four of them with you. Prepapre to fight, both with your ability and arms. Don’t ask anything now. It’s urgent,” Qiu Chen told Commander Xiao. This was a time of emergency, he forgot to use his ‘spoiled young master’ voice. He commanded the Commander like he used to do in previous life.

Commander Xiao was dumbfounded for a moment. The person in front him is obviously just a teenager, but when he gave the orders, he found himself obeying him as he obeys the Major. Commander Xiao turned and left for the second floors with four soilders.

Qiu Chen turned his head to the remaining four soilders, “Follow me.” He did not wait for them answer, marched to the backdoor.

They door was sealed. Qiu Chen did not have enough time to wait for the soilders to break it. He raised his right hand, moved it in a certain way, and fire burst out of his palm buring down the door. He did not practice his fire ability even once but his move gave the present an illusion that he must be an expert.

Looking up in short distance, five of them saw a crowd of zombie approaching. There were almost 100 zombies, the number was way bigger than the zombies upstairs.

“Guard the door, don’t let even one pass. Kill whichever reach you. Don’t meddle with me, and most importantly, don’t leave the door, any of you at any cost.” Qiu Chen order coldly. The soldiers were not under his command, but he did not care. There was something in his voice, he was so natural at giving orders, even Commander Xiao could not disobey him, let alone these soldiers.

Qiu Chen did not wait for their response anyway. He ran forward with his back staright towards to the zombies. He raised his two hands at the same time. From the the soilder’s point of view he looked like an unbending immortal about to summon the destructive power from both hell and heaven with the signals of his hands.

At the same time, on the second floor Commander Xiao was moving silently towards a certain direction. He heard some faint noise from there. When He reached, he saw the swaying sturdy back of a man. The man was in tattered military uniform, sacry wounds were showing from the torn parts of it. He was not using any special ability or any arm, but a steel pole from who knows where he broke it apart. He held the pole like a sowrd and was hitting the zombies with it using his last bit of strength.

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