Chapter 12- Follow Up

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Chapter 12- Follow Up

Although the Emperor intended to abdicate the throne to Zhao Yichen immediately after the public trial, Zhao Yichen did not agree to this. Throughout Qiu Chen's pregnancy, he did not accompany him. This made him feel guilty towards his wife and unborn child. If he became the monarch now, he would be even busier. He wanted the child to be born and at least a few months old before he took any more responsibility. His decision made the old Emperor both happy and helpless. His old bones wanted to rest, but his son only had his wife in his eyes. He was really sad. But this did not mean that he pampered Qiu Chen any less. Let alone Zhao Yichen, even Zhao Yiqing was almost sure that they were not the real children to their father anymore.

May be due to his pregnancy, Qiu Chen became a fan of little children. He even boldly asked Zhao Yirong that he wanted her little daughter as his Goddaughter. Zhao Yirong happily agreed to this.

After another month passed, Qiu Chen's belly became so big that it was inconvenient for him even to move. There were many more physical discomforts. This made Zhao Yichen worried. He wanted the child to come out quickly, so Qiu Chen can be relieved. This night Qiu Chen had trouble sleeping again. So Zhao Yichen held him in his arms and patiently coaxed him to sleep. But this did not make things better. On the contrary Qiu Chen felt more and more uncomfortable. They did not think it was anything serious until Qiu Chen felt a sharp pain which started from his lower belly and went up to spine. Imperial doctors and midwives were called immediately.

Zhao Yichen wanted to accompany Qiu Chen but was thrown out by the doctors. After dealing with the pain for almost four hours, a loud cry was heard from inside. When Zhao Yichen was allowed to go inside, Qiu Chen was sound asleep due to exhaustion. His tender face was pale because of blood loss. He looked sick, and somehow lifeless. Zhao Yichen suddenly got scared. He felt like a déjà vu, as if this person left him without notifying once before. If he did not hold on tight he might lose him for good. He hurried to the bed to touch Qiu Chen, as if to make sure that everything was okay.

Seeing him so anxious, Imperial Doctor Liu came forward, "Xiao Zhen is fine. He was well nourished. After raising his body for a few days he will no longer look sick like this. Accompany him well."

Only after hearing this did Zhao Yichen dared to let go of the breath he was holding for so long. But he wasn't completely rest assured. He needed to see the person's opened eyes to be sure. Though he was eager to see Qiu Chen awake, he did not disturb his sleep. At this moment a miswife came forward with a bundle of cloths in her arms.

"Is Wangye willing to see the little prince?" the midwife asked with a little smile.

Zhao Yichen looked at the bundle in daze. He could see a little wrinkled pink face there. The face looked not so pretty, not anywhere beautiful or handsome like him or Qiu Chen. But Zhao Yichen felt a surge of affection inside his chest looking at that face. My be this is how a father feels.

Zhao Yichen raised his hands to hug the child, but put it down instantly. He never hugged a newborn child. He was afraid that he might hurt the baby.

The midwife saw it and felt a little funny. What if the person in front of her was a firce general, or a capable prince, or the next monarch, facing the child he was just a novice father. She patiently taught Zhao Yichen how to hold the child, and mentioned things that a person holding a child should be cautious of. Zhao Yichen was a fast learner. He learnt it very fast. As a result when Qiu Chen opened his eyes, the first thing he saw Zhao Yichen skillfully holding the child and sitting by his side.

After Zhao Yichen saw Qiu Chen awake, he showed him the child. Qiu Chen looked at the face of the child. Is this the human being he created? Is this the child he carried inside him for so long? Is this the child he never imagined of having? Is this the child he used to spend hours talking to in his loneliness? Qiu Chen's thoughts were chaotic, and he did not know where all those tears came from. Tears shed from his eyes like a waterfall, but he did not fell sad.

Zhao Yichen got worried when he saw Qiu Chen crying. He did not know why he was crying. Qiu Chen just signaled him to hand him over the baby. After Qiu Chen cautiously held the baby he felt like he was holding his whole world. He wanted to ask the system what will happen to the child after they left. But he did not. This child was born with his own fate. He should accept it. He was a parent, he could never be a controller. May be one day he would have to live leave him behind. But for now he would cherish every moment with his child. Qiu Chen looked up at his husband. At least he will accompany me when the time comes. Qiu Chen raised his head to kiss Zhao Yichen at the thought. Zhao Yichen cooperated with him hugging both people into his arms.

As the little prince was born at the time of sunrise, he was officially named Zhao Qing Tian on the day of Zhao Yichen's coronation. He was directly refered the title of crown prince even before he was one year old. He was a darling of the family. Although his father-emperor was strict with him, his father-empress and his grandfather spoiled him. But none of these three people allowed him to grow crooked in nature. Everytime he made a mistake, or did something mischeievous, he would be punished. No one would save him from this punishment. After years, he also became a brave young man like his father once was.

Zhao Yichen remained faithful to Qiu Chen throughout his life. Even after endless pleading from the courtiers, he never took a concubine. The love between the Emperor and the Empress became a legend. Qiu Chen originally thought that he would pass down the legacy of the Raven to his second child. But he never conceived a child after his eldest son was born. So he personally trained his Goddaughter, Yan Lanying, to be the next Association Leader. Over the time, Sun Xing, the talented ger son of Minister Sun who once almost got married to Song Yuhao, became the vice leader of the association. He also led a happy life with his husband, General Xu, who was only a Commander under Zhao Yichen when they first met and fell in love.

After Zhao Qing Tian turned 18, Zhao Yichen started giving him small responsibilities in the court. The small responsibilities became big responsibilities with time. Within five years almost everything in the court started being dealt with by the Crown Prince. When Zhao Yichen saw that Zhao Qing Tian was ready, he just abdicated the throne to him. He wanted to enjoy his remaining days with his beloved. They started travelling all over the world. Although they would occasionally come back to the capital, they never stayed for long. In this life Qiu Chen held his own grand children. He felt more nostalgic for this life than the previous one. This was a life he spent well.

After nearly fifteen years Zhao Yichen and Qiu Chen perished together. They had their final residence in the Imperial Mausoleum. This time when Qiu Chen left he did not feel reluctant like the previous world. He was rather exited as he knew that someone was waiting for him in his next life.

(End of the second arc)

A/N: This is an apology chapter for the previous super short chapter.

A/N: Should the next arc be Apocalypse or Entertainment Circle? And on another note, I'm going home this Wednesday. So there won't be any update till next Tuesday.

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