Second World- (Fulfilling the Princess Consort's Wish)

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Chapter 1- Help the Prince

When Qiu Chen opened his eyes again, he was back in the system space. He looked blankly in front of him where there was no smiling old face with deep sadness hidden inside the eyes. Yes, he ended that life, Qu Yi also died. Unlike him Qu Yi had that life only. For a few moments Qiu Chen didn't know what to feel. Living without Qu Yi? He seemed to have forgotten how it was like when Qu Yi wasn't with him. Qu Yi was everywhere in his life, when he was happy, sad, successful or failed; Qu Yi was there when he was being mean to people, looking at him with pampering eyes. But Qu Yi wasn't by his side anymore, and he has to walk forward; he was to continue living a seemingly endless life without the man he loved. Qiu Chen closed his eyes, one drop of tear fell from eyes. Qiu Chen touched it with the tip of his ring finger. Qiu Chen looked at the droplet, Qu Yi hadn't let him shed tears in a long long time. He now had to take care of himself, no one would do it for him.

System's mechanical voice was heard,

"Host: Qiu Chen

Completed Mission: 1

Acquired Skill: None

Reward for completing mission: Invisibility Charm- 1

Faking death pill- 1

Reversing death pill- 1

Available skill training: martial arts, arts of seduction, cooking, politics, hacking, mecha fighting, mecha building, singing, dancing, and acting. Host can choose any two."

Qiu Chen wanted to ask why art of seduction was an option. But he was psychologically too tired to talk to the system. He just randomly chose martial arts and politics. The training began immediately after he chose the options. After a heavy training and intense classes, Qiu Chen got out of the training room. He didn't know how much time had passed. He touched the left side of his chest. The pain subsided a lot, but the love he had for that man had not.

"System, let's go."

""Introducing the second mission: Help the Prince" System's voice was heard.

Qiu Chen waited for a while to let the dizziness caused by infusion subside. When he opened his eyes he discovered himself in an traditional Chinese red wedding attire, even the surroundings were all red. From the regular swaying feeling he sensed that it was a carriage. Was he getting married?

"System, plot." Qiu Chen asked calmly and coldly. He felt strong hatred inside him, coming from the original's remnant soul.

The original owner was named Song RuZhen, the concubine borne son of Duke Song of Great Zhao. As he was just a concubine borne and his mother died not long after his birth, he was never favored, rather was brutally bullied by the other children of the duke, both verbally and physically. He bore all the grievances silently, neither refuting nor fighting back. Ultimately his day came. The Emperor decreed him to marry the Fourth Prince, Zhao Yichen. Why did he decree this marriage? Because, although Song RuZhen's mother was just a concubine, she had a very good background. Her father was the Minister of Justice from the Previous Emperor's era. He was a loyal man, after his wife died after giving birth to one daughter, he never remarried. Later this daughter fell in love with Song Chaoxiang. Though she couldn't be the first wife as Song Chaoxiang had a previous marriage agreement, she insisted on being with him. Song Chaoxiang also acted as if he was madly in love with her. After she married into Song Jia, the days her father was alive, she was treated well. Her misfortune began after the old minister's death. She was casted aside. Her husband took more and more concubines. She got pregnant meanwhile, but was in a bad health for various reasons. Lastly, she gave birth to one son prematurely and left the world due to heavy bleeding.

Everyone thought the power of Fang Jia is no longer there after the old minister and his daughter's death. No one remembered there is still one Fang family member surnamed Song living on this earth who can accumulate the secret power of the Fang family. No one remembered didn't mean the emperor didn't either. Fourth Prince Zhao Yichen was stationed at the border as the general. He was already a renounced War God. Everyone thought the emperor was guarding against the Prince. But in the emperor's heart he was one of the most suitable candidates for the throne. The reason he betrothed the original to the prince, because he wanted the prince to use the connections the original's grandfather left behind to his way to the throne.

But after the original got married he exhausted all those connections to act against the Song family. The Song family already teamed up with the second prince. The original could do nothing to them, but got shame upon himself. He even angered the emperor. The Fourth Prince was decreed to stay at the border until his life ends. The original blamed himself for not helping the prince out, he blamed himself for being selfish, he blamed himself for not being a proper husband-and-wife with the prince. The Prince, even after all those happened, never blamed the original. He accepted the emperor's punishment and started his journey towards the border. But the original owner couldn't see this, he committed suicide by taking some deadly poison. His obsession was to help the prince onto the throne, cut all relationship with the song family, give the prince a heir if possible.

"What do you mean by 'giving the prince a heir'?" Qiu Chen asked the system confusedly.

"As Host can see, this is a world with three genders, male, female, and ger. Gers are male with special constitution. They are physically weaker than male and are able to give birth. The original owner happened to be a ger. You can verify that by looking at the inside of your left wrist, you'll find a red mole there which specifies your being a ger. The colour of the mole decides how fertile a ger is. Yours is barely red, which means you are not amongst the highly fertile ones. This is another reason why the original wasn't favored."

Giving birth? No way Qiu Chen could do that! Forget about giving birth! He can't even think about loving or sleeping with someone who is not Qu Yi. He is too used to that man to be with another man.

"What if I arrange a suitable concubine for him who gives him an heir? Is that okay?" Qiu Chen asked.

"As long as the fourth prince becomes the emperor with a heir, and all connection with the song family is cut off, it should be okay. If the host has no more inquiry, system will go in hibernation now."

Qiu Chen sighed in relief and bid farewell to the system.

It seems his wedding day. If so, the plot hasn't advanced much and is a good time to arrive. He wants to see the prince who made the original owner regret so much that it became his obsession.

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