Chapter 5- Base

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Chapter 5- Base

Yan Changyi stood dazedly for a long time until a soldier came to give him some food. He looked left and right to find a place to sit. His eyes inaverantly turned to the side where the two boys were sitting. Qiu Chen was his only 'aquintance' in the camp. He felt it was 'logical' enough if he just went there and ate with them.

Just as he thought, Yan Changyi walked towards Qiu Chen and Ruan Li. The two simuntenously stopped eating and looked at him. Ruan Li looked at him for a second and then looked down. He was gripping his bread hard. Yan Changyi's sudden appearance and cold face scared him. Qiu Chen looked between the two helplessly . He decided to help Ruan Li calm down first.

"Do you not like to be near him?" Qiu Chen asked sofly, he deliberately avoided the word "afraid". But Ruan Li still kept his head down refusing to answer. Qiu Chen looked up at Yan Changyi. The man's face was as cold as ever but he could perceive the awkwardness in his eyes. He smiled sweetly at him causing his heart miss a beat.

Qiu Chen patted Ruan Li's back in a soothing way, "Don't you like to observe abilities? He has a few of them, he can show you. Do you want to see?" He urged Yan Changyi with his eyes to demonstrate some power.

Yan Changyi got the hint. He produced a little ice sphere on his palm and extended his palm towards Ruan Li. Ruan Li sneakily looked at the sphere with interest. Yan Changyi saw that he was interested, so he started rotating the sphere in a circular way. Ruan Li was amazed. He extended his hand to touch the sphere, but hesitantly put his hand down. Yan Changyi saw it. He just shook his hand a bit hinting Ruan Li to take it.

Ruan Li took the sphere and became happy at once, "Ice ball!"

Qiu Chen chuckled, he messed with Ruan Li's hair, "Do you want to play with it? If you want to play, he will make another one. But now eat first, okay?"

Ruan Li nodded. He glanced at Yan Changyi for a moment and habitually looked down. But he moved away a bit to make space for Yan Changyi. Although Yan Changyi wanted to sit with Qiu Chen, he could not turn down the kid. He sat down and started eating.

They finished their meal without any further word. Yan Changyi sensed a gaze on him. Ruan Li was looking at him with expectant eyes. Yan Changyi sighed and made him another ice sphere. He did not know how he went from the fearsome soldier as he was to a tolerant elder to a kid. The kid in front him was same age as Qiu Chen but was still like a child. He understood why Qiu Chen chose to be with him among all people. What he understood was still vague in his head. But he knew that in a group of people Qiu Chen would always choose the kid to hang out with.

After a while a soldier came to remind them to rest. They had to resume their journey early in the morning. Yan Changyi nodded to the soldier while Qiu Chen was talking to Ruan Li.

"Where do you sleep at night?"

Ruan Li said in a voice silent like a cat, "The third truck."

Qiu Chen could see the problem here. In the troubled times sharing the hood of a truck with thirtysome people was okay. But Ruan Li was a special case. If he goes there, especially with the people who were previlaged against him, it would harm him.

Qiu Chen asked him again, "There is a tent set up for me. Do you want to sleep there?"

Ruan Li's face lit up hearing what Qiu Chen said. He nodded his head vigorously. But suddenly froze while looking at a certain someone. Qiu Chen followed his line of sight. Yan Changyi's face was as black as the bottom of a pan. Qiu Chen restisted the urge to laugh and warned Yan Changyi with his eyes. He took Ruan Li's hand and guided him towards the tent with a black-faced man following them.

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