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In my native language, there is a beautiful word, "Duḥkhabilāsa". It does not have any English equivalent.

Duḥkhabilāsa means enjoying sadness. It's not like drinking away your sadness or crying desperately. It's like sitting face to face with the sadness and having a conversation with it.

Mostly girls do this. There are certain somethings we do when we do Duḥkhabilāsa.

For example, blending with nature. We go to terrace, or balcony, or anywhere that screams "nature and peace."

We wear simple and soothing traditional attire, mostly in blue, green or white. We also let our hair down so that wind plays with our hair. We wear traditional eyeliner, very thickly. The purpose of this is to let our tears wash them away.

After preparing we sit alone, and let our thoughts flow as they wish. We hum songs, or recite poems. And as we relate to the songs and poems, our hearts let go all the tears they were hiding.

Duḥkhabilāsa has a very deep connection with rain. As it rains, our eyes cry too.

Now, about the updates, it's Ramadan and fasting, attending classes, doing my part time job.. these all together are killing me. But I will try to update at least once a week.

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