Chapter 2- Zhao YiChen

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Chapter 2- Zhao YiChen

After about fifteen minutes the carriage stopped. As the whole surrounding was blocked with not even a window opened, Qiu Chen couldn't understand where he was at. Soon the door of the carriage opened and a hand came in. Qiu Chen was wearing a red veil over his head, so he could only figure out that the hand was there to help him out of the carriage. He held the hand, it was callused like the hand is used to holding a sword on regular basis. The Fourth Prince, Zhao YiChen, Qiu Chen thought. Holding onto the hand he came down. The Prince took him all the way to the alter where the marriage was to be held. Without wasting anytime the wedding began.

"First bow, pay respect to the Heaven and Earth" Chief Eunuch shouted.

Qiu Chen and Zhao Yichen did accordingly.

"Second bow, pay respect to the parents" Chief Eunuch declared again.

The Emperor didn't come and only sent the Chief Eunuch. So the present "parents" were only Song Chaoxiang and his main wife. Qiu Chen and Zhao Yichen bowed to them. 'This is the last time I'm paying any respect to you, next time it will be you regretting' Qiu Chen said to the Duke Song and Madame Song in his heart.

"Third bow, husband and wife pay respect to each other."

As they did so, Qiu Chen felt it unreal. Was he really married? Did he just got married to someone who was not Qu Yi? Would Qu Yi be hurt if he knew? He should have. That man loved him way too much. He missed his man.

As Qiu Chen was lost in thought he was guided to the wedding chamber. The Prince attended the banquet by himself. According to Great Zhao rules, if the bride was a ger, he was not allowed in the wedding banquet as to keep safe distance from both male and female guests. So, Qiu Chen was alone in his wedding chamber. Normally there should be a maid with him. But the Song Jia was tough with him, and regarded the fourth prince as a cast-off-candidate-of-the-throne that they didn't even bother doing the minimum. Song RuZhen's mother entered the Song Jia with great wealth as her dowry. But the original owner didn't get any of it. The Song Jia just prepared a few bank notes and a few pieces of jewelry for him which was all worn on his body. They didn't even care about what other people might say about this. The Duke was powerful, the concubine borne son was not famous, and the prince was rumored to be not liked by the emperor. So the common people and other officials didn't bother care about these things. Qiu Chen just sat on the bed thinking about how he could make a deal with the prince. From the plot, the prince seemed to be a gentleman. He wouldn't touch him without consent, would he?

When Qiu chen was getting drowsy from waiting, the door was pushed open from the outside. He guessed that may be the prince returned. A silhouette stopped in front of him. Then his veil was raised. Qiu Chen looked down, not looking at the man. He was now the new bride to the prince, he had to act accordingly. And the man in front of him wasn't the man he loved, so he had no reason to act wistfully. After a few moments Qiu Chen got down from the bed.

"I have seen Wangye," he said cupping his hands.

"Let's drink the wine." Zhao Yichen said after a few moments of silence. He picked up two cups of heated wine and handed one to Qiu Chen.

Qiu Chen didn't want to follow this ritual as it requires close contact with the man but he had to. Zhao Yichen saw through his newly wedded bride's confusion. He thought Qiu Chen was afraid of him. But still crossed hands with him and drank the wine.

"You are tired, go to sleep" Qiu Chen was dumbfounded listening to the prince. Wasn't the ritual of ancient wedding was that the couple must consummate the marriage on the wedding night? Why was he asked to go to sleep? It's not that he wasn't happy to go to sleep, but he just found it weird.

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