Chapter 8- Cherish Only You, Support You Unreasonably

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Chapter 8- Cherish Only You, Support You Unreasonably

Next morning when Qiu Chen came down to go to the practice arena, he saw Ruan Li sitting in front of the gate of the villa. He looked quite pitiful with his head down on his knees. By this time he should have been in the research center. Ruan Li was not a person who would break his routine for no reason. This made Qiu Chen worry. He walked up to Ruan Li.

“A-Li, what happened? Why are you sitting here?”

In response, Ruan Li just pointed outside. Qiu Chen looked at the direction Ruan Li pointed at. An Qing was holding an enlistment for his new team. He did not bother to go to the headquarter of the camp as his father’s personal headquarter was here. He just noticed people come here and test their ability. Not only did Ruan Li not know An Qing, but he was also afraid of crowds. So he just sat pitifully at the door. Seeing the situation just smiled and shook his head. He extended his hand to Ruan Li,

“A-Li, come with me, okay? I will be with you. Don’t be afraid, okay?” He himself did not know how soft his voice was.

An Qing’s primary ability was psychic. So he spotted the person and his thoughts very early on. Although he could guess the identity of this boy, he did not bother with it. What he did not expect was his generally spoiled and hard mouth cousin would be so soft and coaxing with this person. So when Qiu Chen came out holding Ruan Li’s hand, he called Qiu Chen to stop. Qiu Chen patted Ruan Li’s hand to appease him, and then went to An Qing holding his hand.

“Speak,” he told An Qing in an irritated voice.

“Why are you so hard on your cousin all the time? I heard you speaking quite nicely to that kid? Who is he anyway?” An Qing asked, but did not lose his temper.

“Why? Do I have to be courteous with you?” Qiu Chen asked back with his nose high.

The two cousins had a staring battle but An Qing had to give in.

“Fine, speak however you want,” he said helplessly, “Who is this young man? Introduce us.”

Qiu Chen snorted, “He is Ruan Li. He lives here now. I am taking him to the research center.” With that he turned around and left with Ruan Li.

Within two minutes Qiu Chen came back, this time alone. He stood in front of An Qing and threatened him, “Do not even think about bullying A-Li, he is still a kid in heart!”

An Qing also snapped at him, “Am I that kind of a person? Is everyone you? Scolding people left and right?”

Qiu Chen just hmphed and skipped to where he told Ruan Li to wait.

An Qing went to resume enlisting he saw people were trying hard to hide their smiles after witnessing the childish fight of the cousins. This made An Qing greatly ashamed, but he had nothing to do. He had always been like this with this mischievous cousin of his.

When Qiu Chen went to the Research center he also asked about the situation with the crystal nucleus to which he was answered that it will take one more week at the very least. Thanking the junior researcher, he went to the practice arena. 

This one week various teams went on the mission of collecting crystal nucleus as much as possible. After a week passed by, the result of the research was here. According to the researchers, the crystal nucleus was formed in the zombies’ heads due to their survival instinct and from the urge to do better, in a word, the zombies are evolving and grew the nucleus. This nucleus was the source of their power. The advanced the zombie, the powerful the nucleus is. This crystal nucleus is also useful to humans with abilities. They can strengthen their core by absorbing it. But the absorbtion should be kept within limit. Otherwise the result may vary. This aspect was still under research. 

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