Chapter 8- People Make Mistakes

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Chapter 8- People Make Mistakes

After getting out of the stadium, Qu Yi and Qiu Chen headed to Qu Yi's car, and Xiao Tan was politely escorted to another car arranged by the Qu family bodyguards. Well, Xiao Tantan understands, the dog couple doesn't want to be disturbed by an outsider like her.

When Qu Yi got on the car he saw Qiu Chen sitting there watching something. When he got closer he saw it was someone's live broadcasting from the gallery. There was mischievous smile hanging on the corner of his lips. Qiu Chen noticed Qu Yi getting on the car and subconsciously leaned his back towards him to let him have a better view of his phone screen.

"Was it cool? Was I cool just now? Look at their dumbfounded faces. Ha ha! Take that you @$%@!" Qiu Chen was now grinning like a little devil.

This kind of Qiu Chen made him more itch. Qu Yi felt dry in his mouth. But he still asked, "Everything back there was your plan? You knew there would be a hidden microphone?"

"Even better, I put it there. But you're a bit wrong. Not everything back there was in my plan. You never existed in my plan" Qiu Chen looked at Qu Yi with a touch of seduction in his eyes. If Qu Yi could still act like a gentleman, he wouldn't be called a man.

Qu Yi pulled Qiu Chen by his waist, with a single tug he made him sit on his lap and caught his perfectly shaped lips. Qiu Chen got shocked by the sudden pull, then felt a soft and warm touch on his lips. For a moment he got confused, then understood that Qu Yi was kissing him. At this moment Qiu Chen felt like there was a warm river flowing down his chest. It's not about the physical contact. Even though they had been in an ambiguous relation for so long, he only felt good about this man, apart from the soul-pull from the first time he looked into his eyes. But now it was different. The warmth in his chest made him feel complete. He wanted to be closer to Qu Yi. So he encircled his hands around the man's neck, pulled away from the kiss and buried his face in the crook of his neck. He inhaled the men's cologne from there and sighed in satisfaction.

Qu Yi felt Qiu Chen's emotion. He felt the same way too. He felt that he could spend a lifetime with this little sly person in his arms. He felt strangely at peace like his life suddenly has a purpose, and that is to be with this person, protect him, spoil him, spend every moment with him. He put his palm on the boy's cheek and caressed. Qiu Chen hugged his neck even tighter. He wanted to stay like this. But the man pulled his face up and kissed him again. This time he kissed him on the forehead, then proceeded to kiss his eyes, first the left one and then right one, then he softly touched his nose with his lips. Staying there for a few seconds, he captured his lips again. This time it wasn't the soft touch like before. He sucked on Qiu Chen's lower lip a bit following licking it softly. Qiu Chen opened his lips and allowed Qu Yi to enter his mouth. The two tongues of two enthusiastic people entangled and danced together like there was no future. Qu Yi pulled away when he felt that Qiu chen was out of breath. Then hugged him in his arms.

"Qin Shui, will you agree to be my boyfriend?" Qu Yi asked softly.

Qiu Chen curled up in his arms and nodded with difficulty as he was still trying to catch his breath. His subconscious behavior to choose to answer before even catching his breath made Qu Yi chuckle softly.

"The car has stopped for quite a while now. Shall we get down? Or your brother will kill me." Qu Yi reminded Qiu Chen.

"The car was moving all along?" Qiu Chen's face turned red when he realized that while they were doing this and that someone else was also present in the car. He hurriedly opened the car door and hopped down from Qu Yi's lap. But got frozen from shock when he saw Qin Shing standing not far from the car and it was inside the freakin' Qin Family Mansion. He turned around and tried to get on the car again. But the man got off the car and was standing behind him. So he ran headfast into the man's chest.

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