Chapter 9- Follow Up

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Chapter 9- Follow Up

After they exited the restaurant, neither of them was in a mood to continue their date. Qiu Chen was happy because he could torment Bai Ling, and Qu Yi felt complicated from their conversation. He always knew that Qiu Chen wasn't the one everyone thought him to be, but in his eyes he was a mischievous little devil. The level of maturity Qiu Chen just showed left him confused. They went directly to the car.

"Did you really thank him for hurting you? I know I should be moved by what you said, but why do I feel like you never loved him?" Qu Yi looked at Qiu Chen from the corner of his eyes but got no response. When he looked carefully he found Qiu Chen sleeping. He felt it unnatural. Qiu Chen was full of energy a few moments ago. Why did he fall asleep suddenly? Or did he faint?

Qu Yi touched Qiu Chen's cheeks. His cheeks were rapidly getting cold. It freaked him out.

"Go to the hospital. Quick! Break the signals if you need to, just go to the hospital" Qu Yi screamed at the driver in panic. The driver heard the urgency in his master's voice and did as was commanded. When they reached the hospital, Qu Yi rushed in with his lover in his arms. The bodyguards found Qu Yi's personal doctor and had him come. The doctor made the nurses take Qiu Chen from Qu Yi forcefully and lay him on the bed, and started to do some basic tests. They thought that allowing a semi-madman like Qu Yi could be a problem, but they couldn't send him away by any means.

"Doctor, I can't find his pulse" a nurse reported.

This sentence made Qu Yi go numb. He suddenly didn't understand what it meant by having no pulse. Wasn't his little devil smiling sweetly at him just a while ago? Didn't he just say that he was grateful for his previous heartbreak because it made him meet him? What just happened suddenly! He still hadn't gone to the sea with him! He still hadn't introduced him to his father! He still hadn't proposed to him! Qu Yi clenched the squire velvet box in his pocket. This box still hadn't been used! He hadn't spent a lifetime with his little devil! What these people meant by not having any pulse! How could that be!

Qu Yi slumped on the floor and sat motionless there, with not a trace of life in his eyes. He didn't cry, didn't panic, he just sat there.


"System, where am I?" Qiu Chen asked although he knew this was the place he was in before he entered the mission world.

"The mission has been completed, so the host was pulled back here" System answered with its mechanical voice.

"What happens to the body when I leave?" Qiu Chen asked with tiredness in his voice.

"It dies."

"How is Qu Yi? Is he sad?"

"He is" System was robotic as usual.

"Will I meet him next worlds?" Qiu Chen asked hopefully.

"System doesn't know" System answered truthfully.

"So, I may not meet him in my next lifetime? By the way, System, is there any rule that says I must leave when the mission is completed?" Qiu Chen went back to his sly form.


"Send me back" Qiu Chen commanded.

"Are you not in hurry to complete your missions? Going back will delay you" System tried to persuade.

"SEND ME BACK! RIGHT NOW!" Qiu Chen screamed this time. He has to live a lifetime with Qu Yi.


When Qiu Chen opened his eyes he saw a haggard faced Qu Yi sitting by his to him. Those dull eyes pained him so much that it felt like someone was squeezing his heart, not to mention it happened because of him.

When Qu Yi noticed Qiu Chen opening his eyes he thought he was dreaming. Only when Qiu Chen tried to hug him he reacted. Qiu Chen's hand was infused. He couldn't move them, or else it would hurt him. Qu Yi rushed to Qiu Chen and hugged him tightly in his arms. Tears finally fell from his eyes.

"They said you would leave me. Don't leave me, please?" Qu Yi said this one sentence again and again.

The Qin family went to meet the doctor. They saw this scene when through the glass window of the cabin when they came back. Mrs Qin rushed into the cabin and hugged his baby son. She cried so much in these two days, her eyes were red and swollen to the point there was a trace of infection in the corner of her eyes. Qin Zhen and Qin Shing also had tears in their eyes.

On the day Qiu Chen was released from hospital, the Qin Parents went to deal to with the procedures and Qu Yi was forcefully sent back home to rest for a while by the Qin Parents. Only Qin Shing was there with Qiu Chen.

"I won't interfere with your relationship with Qu Yi anymore" Qin Shing suddenly said.


"I won't be able to find anyone who would love you more than him. You didn't see him in those two days. Never in my dreams had I ever thought I'd see the President Qu, feared by all, like this. He never left your side. Even mom couldn't make him eat anything as to eat he had to leave your side" Qin Shing said with some remorse. He felt like he was marrying of his little sister, though it is actually a brother.

Qiu Chen smiled sweetly and lovingly, "I know he'd never leave me, neither would I."

Qiu Chen and Qu Yi got married abroad within a year. On the day of their wedding Bai Ling had a strange dream. In that dream he wasn't an @$$ho!e, he responded to Qin Shui's feelings for him. He saw two boys sitting side by side on their desks by the window, only the chubby boy was sleeping his head down on the desk, sunshine shining on his hair making him look like an angel, while the other boy was just watching him with love pouring down from his eyes. When Bai Ling opened his eyes, he realized that he was dreaming. That sunshine boy will never be his in this life, or lives that may come.

Qu Yi and Qiu Chen lived happily together until their hair turned grey and then white. They adopted a boy from the side branch of the Qu family and cultivated him to be the next President Qu. Qiu Chen remained puzzled for many years for how Qin Shing and Xiao Tan could end up together and be no less loving than him and Qu Yi. Because he always saw Xiao Tan being afraid of his brother while his brother was so cold towards everyone who was not him. The couple had sun and moon twins within one year of their marriage. The boy was more into art, and later became a famous painter. The girl was cultivated to be the next President Qin. Though she swore to her uncle that she hated it.

It was a cozy autumn afternoon, the sun was setting down emitting peaceful warm yellow light of the last ray of sunshine of the day. Two white haired old men sat together on two recliners side by side.

"Qu Yi, I'm leaving now. Thank you for loving me" Qiu Chen said with deep sorrow in his eyes. Even after spending a lifetime together, he was reluctant to part.

Qu Yi understood the emotion of his eyes, "Go with a peace of mind. I promise I'll......."

Qiu Chen leaned to Qu Yi's side with the last bit of his strength and blocked his lips, "Do not promise anything. Promises are meant to broken." He left leaving this last sentence behind.

Qu Yi also closed his eyes. He didn't want to live where his lover was no longer there. Although Qiu Chen didn't let him finish his sentence, Qu Yi already made a promise, to Qiu Chen, and to himself.

(End of first arc)


A/N: Rain is really sorry for taking a break. But she was really busy. She had a family vacation and this winter made her sick. As to apologize, Rain has uploaded all the remaing chapters of the arc together. Hope all can enjoy. Be nice and warm, don't get sick. Happy Winter❤❤❤

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