Chapter 2- Drive Them Out

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Chapter 2- Drive Them Out

Qiu Chen opened his eyes. He was already in the body of Wen Quan. According to the plot, he should already have the space ability. He tried to feel it. Inside his mind he saw a vast space without any limit to the naked eye. Qiu Chen felt a bit confused. Feeling something abnormal he raised his left hand and motioned his index finger in a circle. There was a thin string of water created and guided by the notion of his finger. Qiu Chen wondered, the original had no water ability in the plot, it wasn’t there even in the original’s memory. Doubting himself, Qiu Chen raised his right hand and motioned his index finger in the same way. He was just trying to see if he could manipulate his water ability with both hands. But there was no water around his finger this time, but fire. Fire and water ability? Qiu Chen was really confused this time. He decided to ask the system, but it spoke first.

”The original only had the storage space. But the size of the storage is related to soul power. Your soul, due to your completing missions, is way powerful than him. Moreover, this world is still a lower class world. So there is no boundery on your space. And the other abilities are your own abilities, it’s not related to the original owner.”

“Why do I have any ability?” Qiu Chen asked. Even if his soul being powerful explains the space boundary, it’s ridiculous to believe that even fire and water ability comes from this.

“You are not that weak as you think,” System talked mysteriously and then turned silent.

Qiu Chen sighed. He did not dwell on it. The fever should have lasted two more days. Now that he was good, the first thing he decided to do was to get rid of the pests. But the problem is, he did not intend to disclose his ability to them, not now. But he was still a weak eighteen-year-old to them. In order to kick them out, he needed help.

Qiu Chen found the cell phone by the bed and dialed a number that original had not dialed for months. After it rang twice, the other party picked up the phone. A deep male voice sounded.


“Hello, Uncle?” Qiu Chen spoke. The one he called was Major General An, An Zi. He was the younger brother of Mother Wen.

An Zi wanted to take Wen Quan away to their base after the Wen family’s death. But due to Jian Lin and Wen Han’s constant brainwash, Wen Quan believed that his Uncle wanted to control him by taking advantage of his deceased family. So Wen Quan threw a temper tantrum with his uncle and never contacted him again. An Zi was also busy dealing with zombies and other bases. This call from his nephew was really unexpected to him.

“What do you want to say?” An Zi asked. He was not quite free with this child. He grew up in a military environment. He knew nothing about children and how to deal with them. He could only ask this one sentence stiffily.

“Uncle, I am sorry. I should not have misbehaved with you….” Qiu Chen explained everything to his uncle and complanied about the people as not to go OOC. “……I don’t want them here, and I don’t want to be here either. I want to go to your base. Can you send people, please?”

An Zi pondered for a while, “There is a team that is near you. They are coming back to the base. I will tell them to take a detour.”

Qiu Chen felt somewhat uneasy. This was tough time. Although these people were bad to the original owner, they were nonetheless powerful. Not to use them is unfair to humanity at this time. He spoke his mind.

“Uncle, although I am not happy with them, they all have certain abilities. This is troubled times, you can appoint them in the base.” Qiu Chen tried to suggest.

“Do you know what we depend on when tough time comes?” An Zi’s deep but patient voice came through the speaker, “It’s not money, not power, well, these are important, but not the most important thing. The most important thing is humanity. You may have money and power, but it’s your humanity that makes you use them wisely. I am not going to keep such inhumane people under my wings.”

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