In Cain's mind (a little poem)

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A little Poem by Cain Marshall

You left me. Alone, broken inside
I watch you from afar
as my heart is breaking each day
I knew you since we were young and I watched you become a man
you are on the soccer team at our school
you don't know this but I watched you play behind a tree, seeing your smile as you play
your smile is as amazing as when I look up into a sunset
you were the one person I deeply care about and I always have
even when we didn't speak to eachother for quite a long time. I kept watching you to make sure you were alright as I look at you in the light
in 5th grade you were someone I always looked up too like an older brother.
you comfort me when I cried. You calmed me down when I was angry. You helped me through so much

It's hard having a father who just got out of jail from drug use. Not to mention the restraining order on him.
You were there when I needed you the most. You were there when my life turned upside down.
we were so close with eachother till 8th grade

Now in highschool we went our separate ways
But I still kept a watch on you. I know that at night sometimes when no one is around you cry in the hallway silently and I want to hug you and tell you it's ok but the words you said too me before we stop being friends got me too stop walking too you and I just watch you cry while my sympathy for you welds up inside me

I know your secret that you go out too go to that awful club. How I know? I followed you. I didn't stop you because I am waiting for you to make the right choice. I am not going to stop you when you don't stop yourself.
You are the head student and the son of the headmaster of our school but outside your a different person. I watched you dance on the stage from a place were you couldn't see me. I saw you going too the back room with guys. How I got in the club when I'm only 16? I had a fake ID and they bought it.

You hurt me more then you could think. You started hating me and after that I turned too drugs. I don't know who I am without you. I need you by myside. That's how I see it.

Those are my true feelings and thoughts for you Alex Breton

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