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The moment he turned around, everything just stopped

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The moment he turned around, everything just stopped. I could hear every beat of my pounding heartbeat; the louder it thumped, the more my soul was drawn to his captivating blue ocean eyes. Everything around us faded away, leaving only me and him. His eyes held a dark, mesmerizing glint that sent shivers through my body. The intensity of our eye contact was the longest I had ever experienced with him. I felt my cheeks flush deep red as the realization hit me that I had been staring without blinking.

Gathering every ounce of courage, I decided to speak up. "Su__niye hu-me app se baa-t kar-ni hai," I stuttered, instantly regretting my words and wishing I could disappear. How could I have embarrassed myself in front of him, not once but twice, on our engagement day of all days? I desperately wanted someone to take me away, far from the captivating power of his blue eyes.

"LOOK AT ME ," he commanded, his stern tone sending tingles through my body. I couldn't help but obey, feeling butterflies flutter in my stomach as our eyes met once more. He raised my face upward with his index finger on my chin. "SUNAI NEHI DIYA KYA TUMHE,MAIN KAHA MUJHE DEKHO."

His single touch, word, and look held an inexplicable power over me. He seemed to know my body better than I did , his presence making me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Yet, there was an undeniable darkness about him that both drew me in and terrified me. The old Irisha would have run away, but now, I was his Irisha. The moment he placed the ring on my finger, I became his.

I was lost in my thoughts, completely captivated by the untold dark promises I saw in his gaze. He held me spellbound, and I knew I could never escape the magnetism of this man who had stolen my heart without my knowing.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the commanding sound of his voice. "Don't bite your lips " he said sternly.
I had forgotten that I had started biting my lips nervously, something I often did when I felt uneasy.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Don't bite them,"he repeated, his husky voice laced with authority. Looking into his eyes, I reluctantly released my lips with a soft pop, running my tongue over them one last time. The intensity of his gaze on my lips was so captivating that I felt utterly timid, as if he might devour them raw if given the chance. But as quickly as the emotion had appeared, it vanished from his eyes, leaving me to wonder if he was truly human or some kind of dark, mesmerizing creature.

"Do you want to marry me, Aatreya ji?" I blurted out, the words spilling forth in a rambling torrent. "Or was someone forcing you? I mean, you're such a big man, how can you marry me? Not that I'm not of equal stature, but in society, you're so much more," I continued, my insecurities bubbling to the surface.

As I looked into his eyes, I was met with an amused reaction, something I had never seen in his usually blank gaze. This small glimpse of emotion filled my heart with a sense of peace. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his face, mesmerized by the beauty of his features, like a starry night sky.

As his stern words washed over me, I felt a sense of relief knowing that he had not been forced into this marriage.
"No ONE FORCED ME FOR ANYTHING,DON'T WASTE YOUR LITTLE HEAD IN THIS," he said, dismissing my concerns. But then he added, "YOU HAVE LOTS OF THINGS TO PAY,"leaving me thoroughly confused.

What did he mean by that? I hadn't bought anything from him, so why would I need to pay him? His cryptic words only deepened the mystery surrounding this enigmatic man.

Despite my puzzlement, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace knowing that he had chosen this path of his own volition. This marriage, our union, was his decision, and that thought alone filled my heart with warmth.

He had left me alone with my thoughts, and I found myself utterly captivated by him. Why did his slightest emotion have such a profound effect on me? This was the most he had spoken to me since the hospital and the car . Our interactions had been limited to brief responses, yet being in his presence felt like a soulful experience.

Could this be love at first sight? The moment I laid eyes on him on the stage, something deep within me had stirred. It was beyond my wildest imagination, a connection that felt special and beautiful. From this day forward, he would be my family, the one who would love and cherish me.

I may not fully understand the nature of my feelings yet, but I knew that I would do anything for him. He would be my life, my everything. Little did I know, however, that fate had something else in store for me, something that would challenge the very foundations of this burgeoning relationship.

"हकीकत नहीं थी सही
मेरे दिल की तस्बीर थी
इश्क़ की गली नहीं
बदनामी की हद थी
मैं तो गुलाम थी आपकी
मेरी हर दुआ की फ़ल थी
इश्क का रास नहीं
धोखेबाज़ी की कसीस थी"
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So irisha is in love or not🙃🙂

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