2.new friends

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Carter pov:"oh sorry Carmen I didn't see you there!!" I rubbed my eye nervously as I have to face Carmen's scary fate her eyes are black  as the night sky and her face expression scares me so much and I hope she doesn't threaten yuki she just move and I don't want to lose my chance of winning yukis heart!

Carmen's pov:looks at yuki up and down " uh carter who is she?"I say as I cross my arms looking at him with a glare I can't believe it I know he is trying to get a girl friend but he always chooses the weird and ugly ones and sometimes girls take Advantage of him all because of his voice it's so cranky and distorted! "But I guess she looks alright yea she can be our friends well see you in third class bye" I sprinted even tho I felt like I scared her off I hope he gets to pull her he has a big chance I hope

Yuki pov:" so carter uhm do you like people who are different than canaidians?" Oh lord now I feel weird poh poh gave me a bento with dumplings soy sauce and spring rolls and green tea and I feel like he won't like me for being Japanese I hate when people look at me when I eat even with chopsticks "and also do you like the way my face looks because I get make fun of my face.."

Carter pov:"what no you're not weird your pretty!! I respect people from different places I had once a friend with a hijab but then she moved from being harassed but u tried to comfort her and now we still are best friends and we call online now so yeah I think your pretty no matter what!"ughhh she is to cute and Gorgeous I love her I need her nooowwww!! Ugh I keep in blushing when she talks why am I so obsessed with her even tho we just met I need her now I want her so badly

They both got to class and yuki sits next to cater and cater try's to continue draw her while blushing hardly and smiling

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