10.a new crush

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SLIGHT NSFW BTW YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.     Yuki pov:apparently my step sister will be joining the school and I told my friend and boyfriend she will be in our group she is in honors band she play tuba and it's very louder than my violin but I'm very excited!!!!"hey guys have you seen my sister?"

"I don't even know what she looks like?!" Carter said confused

"Her name is Briana"Carmen said with a smile

"How did you know!?" I said with a shocked face "she sits next to me while blushing at me probably she happy that I'm friend that's why?"

Just then my sister hugged Carmen

"Oh Briana these are my friends Carmen and my boyfriends carter"

Briana pic:"oh hey." Looks at carmen blushing while still hugging her from behind "hey Carmen you wanna hang out after school?" Carmen nods "Oh its time for class cmon Band geeks!" I know sis is not in band but I consider violin as a instrument even tho it is"

"So you play tuba bri?" Carmen said with a smile 

"Yes I do it's so fun!!" I say with excitement
I looked at Carmen and she tries to hold my hand but I hold her as we blush I know so well we like each other

At band class they all collab and while they all okay there instruments Briana looks at Carmen a winks at her even tho she is infront of me after band me and Carmen meet in the bathroom and she pins me against the wall

Carmen pov:"you make me smile a lot cutie~" she looks at me and leans in but I haven't kissed anyone in my life and so I tried to back away " carmen what's wrong?" "I never kissed anyone in my life I don't know how to do it"

Briana then slowly leans and kisses me softly in the lips "while you kiss you do it back" I then leaned in to kiss her than she kisses me back I felt happy and never felt like this in a long time after that she looks at me "s-so are we a thing now?" I noded and kiss her cheek then left the restroom

She then catches up to me "so you still down to hangout after school?" I noded I knew we were gonna be together forever I don't know why I'm madly inlove with her but at the same time it in love idk I haven't had love before and I was sure this will be true love:(

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