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TW mentions of scuicide and self harm YOUVE been warned

Link pov:once I got home I feel on my bed and looked at the time it was 12:30am and o felt tired but at the same time mad but I don't know why tho I have idea why I'm mad I then checked up on Liz he was still asleep I kissed his forehead and then I went back to my bed

I laid there for about 10mins before bursting into tears I wanted to kill myself badly but at the same time how is Liz gonna grow up without me? I cried more and more until I got a call from Tyler "hey man just checking up on ya and also I was wondering if this weekend we can go hangout together?" "Oh sure yeah sounds good!..." i said as I tried my hardest not to cry and sobbing I felt something unlikely

"Hey are you okay I can tell your shaking and holding your cries you okay?"he said I never felt so scared I tried not to let it out but I just letted out a small sob "oh yeah I'm good don't worry just doing some homework thats all
Heh" just then he hung up I continued crying until I heard another cry it was Liz poor thing I must of woken him up

*Enters Lizs room*

"Oh sweet boy don't cry did I wake you?"holds Liz "I know  its okay *sigh* I just wish I wasn't this crazy but at least I have you in my arms..." Oh who am I kidding Liz can't even understand a single I'm saying but I do ugh not him he was the reason I almost ended Liz life he ruined your life he is the reason Carter left "stop....." Hehe you think I will stop hun? Kill yourself... "Pls leave me alone" hurt yourself,hurt Liz,hurt Tyler just die kiddo your depressed Enough to do it! So go on KILL YOURSELF "fine...." I must do it

I put Liz on the couch while I take a knife and and scissors  first I cutted my arms then thighs Then I took the scissors and cutted my hair up till my shoulders fuck man it hurts but I can't control myself I slept on the couch with Liz

I hope tomorrow is a good day....

The next day I went to college with baggy pants and a hoodie I sat next to Tyler shaking "hey purple what happened to your hair it looks fucked up?"

"I just cutted my hair last night cause....cause... I was bored! Heh" I'm really bad at lying

"Alrighty purple"he said and he gave me a tight hug but tight enough were my cutts were irritating "babe I can't breath" he sat back down and blushed I just hate lying and shaking it makes me feel bad,after class he took me to his dorm to hang and cuddle "ey man you gonna take off your jacket it's warm in here?" "Oh um I just feel cold that's all"
He scooted closer looked me in the eye "take.it.off.." I was scared but I knew I had to.. so I did

Tyler pov:"purple...!! Why ....!?" I tried not to teared up when I grabbed his hands turning his arms looking his scars "I'm sorry this voice won't leave me alone.....!!"he cried and hugged me I petted his hair and tried to calm him down "pls don't harm yourself its okay....you have me... And I will always Always... protect you" he hugged me tighter and looked at me with those cute blue puppy eyes "thank you for not leaving me..." I kissed him and he took a nap on me he must of felt tired after crying but I know he must had been in a bunch of pain...

(Why do I write this lmao)

2hours later


???s pov:hello misfortune reader I am the voice in poor poor links head hmhm if you must know who I really am, my name is Shane

"Tyler where are you...."

Poor him he must of disappear to the end he doesn't love you anymore

"Enough!! I hate you!! Leave me alone please!!!!!"

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