6.getting hurt

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at Carmen's house she goes straight to her room with her sisters

Kate(Carmen's sister) pov:"hey sis I heard what happened are you okay" pets her head while Carmen cries on her "Cary are you okay please talk to me" as I said that she instantly runs to the bathroom I knew what she was gonna do she always cuts herself and it's making me worried "Cary it's time for your medication" I knocked on the door silently while I can still hear her cry sis "you okay?" As I open the door I see her crying while holding a razor blade with a bunch of blood all over her arms "just give me the bottle I can take it myself.." I knew what she was gonna do but I was hoping she would just take her pill normally "okay here and remember to use water while taking your medication and please clean the blood also sis I love you"

Carmen pov:"no....I need more I need it "pores a hand full of pills while some fall on the ground and Kate starts to bang on the door "CARY NO PLEADE DONT DO THIS PLEASE!!" But then I lock the door and take the pills then pass out on the floor

Kate(Carmen's sister) pov:"CARY NOOO PLEASE!!!"pries the door open and sees blood coming from her mouth and her cuts immediately I carry her to my car and drive her to the hospital crying

4hours later

Kate carter and yuki enter Carmen's room while Carmen is slowly recovering

Kate(Carmen's sister):"Cary can you hear me?" Carmen slowly nods "Cary u love you your my little sister I will protect you no matter what happens" before I can continue Sarah our older sister than in will so much ink from her mascara dripping from her eyes from crying hugs me then looks at Carter and yuki

Sarah(Carmen's oldest sister) pov: who are they? "Cary's friends" Kate said as she sits next to Carmen holding her hand

"Oh *sniff* hello I'm Carmen's oldest sister in Sarah" her friends looked shocked because of how tall I am I'm very tall to be honest "wow you looked shock aww you look so cute what's your name hunny?" "Yuki" "yuki it's such a cute name I love it" just then Carmen wakes up in a panic screaming in her breathing tank in her mouth piece but tries to calm her down but she tried to say something but I couldn't understand

Until the doctor came and took her into another room Kate started to cry on my chest "is she gonna be okay!!" Carter said worrying "yea I really hope she will!..." I don't think she will be okay she took like half of the bottle and she did recover but she over dosed and I'm feel bad for not being there for her I'm sorry carry I love you

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