17.the best father

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Warninggggggg more nsfw sorryyyyy

The next day link picks up the baby and returns back to the apartment

Link pov:oh great now I'm a father....I hate this I don't know what to do i never babysat or took good care of babies.... I picked up my phone and call carter I knew he didn't want anything

To do with my baby boy

"Heyyyyy carter can you pls come home and take care of-"

"No im not im not gonna be a gay father good bye"he hung up i then started cry while holding him

4mins later the baby starts crying as well

"Oh no please don't cry I'm sorry if I disturbed you love" he cradled him in his arms

"Huh I think I will name you liz..."I love that name I kissed his forehead and put him on my bed I knew being a father a single one I'll get make fun of for being a single father

The next day link took his baby to his sisters house and link goes to the school

"Hey look it's link the gay single father!!!!"carter said out loud I suddenly became the quite one I felt scared again I can feel myself shaking again I sat in my seat on cried softly tear feel on my hands just then a kind boy sat next to me and comfort me "hey there cutie are you okay?..." I look up at him he was so cute he was cuter then carter

"I'm...not...okay I've just become a single father .....and my bf left me"I said as I cried into his chest he rubbed my back after I was done crying it was half of the class that was done and me and the other boy and a few other haven't finished the project the teacher came up to us

"Hey there boy you guys need to step out so you can help each other?" The boy nodded and he took me outside the class "okay im Tyler what's your name?" He held me up "wait your link right?,my brother...dated you?" I nodded

He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me closer closer closer then....he kissed me....then he call me cute I loved him I holded him close as he helped me walk back to class we did one part of the project

Then after school we finished the project of the project at his dorm once we finished we had diner together "so uhm why did you kiss me?" I said as I drank my soda "oh well you're very cute and when Carter brought you to the house I fell inlove I wanted to date you so badly but I waited until y'all broke up so I was red to date you" he blushed as he got up and sat on my lap

I picked him up at brought us to his room he locked the door hoping his roommate won't entered we made out as he pinned me to the wall then to the bed he unzipped my pants and undressed me and himself

"Have you done this before?"he said as he slowly slides himself in me I moaned quietly then he did faster and faster I moan loudly "harder...." I said as he trusts into me he starts to touch me he grabs my wrists and fucks me even faster "oh my I think I'm gonna..." I cumed in his hand,"oh my cutie....your such a good boy..." He petted my head and sucks on my neck but I pushed him off of me, he then helped me get dressed and he gave me his hoodie since it was freezing outside "alright cutie I'll see you soon" he hugged me tightly and I left to get Liz and went home

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