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Tw warning suicide mentions you've been warned

Carmen pov:right now I've been hanging out in bed for 4days already I haven't been to college in a bit I just thought I was sick but I was just taking mental days briana has been visiting me of course since she have nothing else to do just yesterday my sister Sarah told me my sister Kate has died from suicide....me and her were really close and Sarah was like a mom to us but she was having a hard time with bullying and fights she's been jumped at least twice a day I've been cutting again since her death....her funeral is tomorrow and I don't wanna stare at a dead body.....

"Carmen may I come in?"briana said knocking at the door
"Yea come in" I said with ease "babe pls come out of the bed you haven't eaten or slept!" She said sitting on the bed  with me I got up and looked at her"so!? My sister died and I haven't been able to be active I've been depressed for a long time!!!!......I just wanna see my sister again...... Briana hugged me and tried to calm me down "I'm sorry....Carmen for everything...."she said with tears in her eyes..... I didn't want her to bad as well "can you just go back please I wanna be alone..."she nodded and left,I went back to bed with tears down my eyes

I went to the kitchen to drink water but suddenly I felt dizzy just then I feel down I grabbed my phone and called 911 then I passed out.....

Briana pov:I rushed to the hospital with link and yuki and once we got there I looked at Carmen while she is laying in her bed I petted her head while listening to her breathing "Carmen? What happened?" I said confused "I passed out.." she said tried not to cry I looked at her and she blushed

"Oh hey guys.."Carmen looked at link and yuki they both waved and smile

Yuki pov: Im sitting in the chair reading a book briana went to get food down in the kiosk Carmen is sleeping but every 30mins her heart beats faster then usually I hate being at the hospital cause it takes too long,briana returns with two water bottles and a sandwich and a salad she gave me a salad since I'm on a diet heh "hey sis do you know what time is it?"she asked "oh it's 9:23pm" she looked at Carmen

"I hope Carmen's okay...." She said, then Carmen woke up "y'all what time is it?"she struggled to sit up briana helped her sit up "briana?" She looks at briana blushing (ah yes relationship goals) "Carmen are you okay your heart kept on beating more faster" she frowned and shrugged the doctor came back "okay so carmen has depression anxiety and insomnia" the doctor gave briana a prescription for the medicine "man this sucks I mean why does one have to suffer for something that wasn't even their fault?"I was too stressed

"I don't know sis but we'll get through this :)" I was starting to get tired so I left the hospital with briana and got a hotel room near the hospital when we got to our
Room I laid down in bed and briana sat down next to me and sobbed "I feel so bad....I didn't do good enough to be a good girlfriend.....I wish I stayed with Carmen that afternoon..." I comfort her "its okay sis..." She cried in my shoulder "I just wished I can just....be broken with her...." I shook my head "no...don't say that! Trust me this happened to her in 8th grade it's not well and she almost died" she cried harder and harder I didn't think to bring Carter cause he is still mad at link I wonder what link is doing rn

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