5.live laugh love

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Just before i can say anything Carmen walks back to the table with and ice pack on her head right before I can try to pull her!!"oh hey Carmen are you okay you fell pretty hard" I say as my leg starts climbing on yukis leg I'm trying my hardest not to blush so hardly because well when I have feelings for a girl my leg grabs their leg "oh Carter your leg~" she says while she take another bite of her spring roll

Carmen pov:*sign* "yes I'm fine I'm just feeling dizzy that's all " right after I said that yuki gives me a cup of her green tea which surprised me because it helped my head a lot

Yuki pov:grabs carter legs and starts rubbing it "I bet you like that huh?" I say looking at him while he is red as a tomato "yeah that does feel good" he then grabs me by the shoulders then Kisses me which I found him attracted too I realized I'm in love!! With carter I then moaned with pleasure "carter uhm I like you a lot!!" Cater then hugs me "I love you too yuki"

Carmen pov:"wow nice pulling stinky" I say as I keep holding my ice pack on my head while yuki and carter act all lovey dove which is cute but makes me wanna cry again but I don't wanna be a fool

Then suddenly yuki kissed carter again and made me happy and smiled then hug then eat then repeat

After school carter walks yuki home and so does carmen as they drop off yuki Carmen and carter start walking home

Carmen pov:"so you and yuki are official?" I knew they were together but I had a bit of feeling for carter but now I respect that they are together even tho I like women more tho but I guess it's fine "yeah we're official now I'm so happy!!!" He says as he twirls on the side walk and blushing I don't wanna ruin there relationship because I have a feeling that they will break up because of me for being the mean one

I don't want to ruin it so tomorrow I'll stop talking to them but I don't know where to sit at lunch I guess I will go back sitting in the restroom like how I used to do in third grade

"We'll see you later carter"

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