4.feelings for her

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After a couple more classes carter yuki and Carmen meet up at lunch

Carmen pov:"oh hey guys how was classes?" I say calmly normally when I don't talk like a monster it means something's bugging me but then I felt something on my cheek it was black blood dark black like me eyes and then i start to cry "oh my god are you okay Carmen!!" Carter looked scared as he watch me cry hardly

Sobbing away my pains all because of my life I've been all because of my cuts on me it hurts too much and it started bleeding during band an I didn't notice until I was in fourth class when a small drop of blood fell and I discovered my arm was bloody "CARMEN!!" I hear as carter keeps yelling my name and I look and see carter scared my holding yukis arm

"I...I..." but as I soon as I can start talking I cried once more but this time I screamed while banging on the table and yuki seemed scared and calm but then I knew all eyes were on me I hate it when this happens and I hate when people stare at me but then I got up on the table and screamed my lungs out saying

"STOP STARING AT ME BEFORE I WILL BEAT YALL UP WITH ALL MY FREE WILL!!!!" As soon as I said that I passed out falling onto the concrete floor and I was deadass knocked out and teachers take me to the nurse's room

Carter pov:"oh my..."looks at yuki "this happens a lot to Carmen she has really bad mental health problems and trauma but she gets counseling and medication and it hurts when this happens I hope your not scared
Yuki" now I'm more worried than before for Carmen because we'll her parents are divorced she was very close to her father and was devastated because well she was close to him and now she gutted herself and almost over dosed on her medication

"It's okay my big brother was like that but he passed away because of it" yuki said concerningly "w-wait are you a-saying she's gonna pass away!?" I say trying my hardest not to cry "she won't if she talks her medication on time but you need to watch out cause she might overdose and die " she says while rubbing my back and notices she has a bento "oooo bento I like those!"

Yuki pov:"wow really wanna share?" I say as I smile trying not to blush "y-yeah sure thanks" he says while I pull out an extra pare of chopsticks "wow these dumplings are so good!!! Does you mother make these?" Carter says as he has his hand covering his mouth and he is trying not to blush "so how did you and Carmen meet?

Carter pov: "oh well we met at fourth grade" because she was that one kid that would play on the swings alone then I started swinging with her then we became friends played the same instrument together and yea I always listen to her and she always listen to me" as I kept on talking and eating I move closer till my leg touch her leg "yuki?" I say as I carefully put the chopsticks down "yes carter" she looks at me while blushing abit and I hope she doesn't find me weird if I tell her the truth

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