12.a lovley moment

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Yuki pov:after the movie me and carter go to a restaurant and while we wait for our food "so babe what did you think of the movie?" We watched a horror movie and he really hates them but I love them

"It scared the living shit out of me?!" He said shaking I hug him "heh sorry" he kept on looking at me with a dazed face "what are you looking at?" I knew he was looking at me but I wanted to see what he would say "a beautiful Japanese women" he held my hand and kisses my cheek

"Oh you!" I punch his arm idk why I do that a lot with guys especially my pa "ow! You you!" He said trying to think of a comeback it's funny when he tries our food then comes and carter starts to eat it befor I could've picked up my chopsticks i I start to eat and Carter giggled

"Why are you laughing!"i start to laugh for no reason after that we continue eating carter smiled and blushing at me he is such a hopeless inlove man but I love him a lot

Carter pov:yuki is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen im so happy I have her I want to go home and cuddle with her

But I knew her parents won't let me they probably don't like me though.."hey yuki do you think I can ya know?...meet your family?"

"Oh of course you can!! Ive been waiting for you too ask that since 9th grade!!" I look surprised i though she would've said no or sumthin "great how about this weekend?" She nodded with excitement

I went home home and went to my room to change then I went to Tyler's rooms and lay next to him as he was in his phone "hey Tyler" I said tired "oh hey how your date" he said as he faced next to me "good this weekend I'm going to be at her house to meet her family"

"That's nice im so proud of you"he said as he rubbed my head and fell asleep I slept while laying in his arms I know it might be childish but he is like my father figure I love him a lot he protects me and my sister

Callie then bursts in the room and sat on the floor crying

Tyler pov: I heard Callie crying and I woke up and sat next to her "heeeyyy what's wrong?"

"My...Fucking girlfriend broke up with me..." she cried even more I felt bad they've been together since 6th grade I'm so sad they broke up her girl friend was so kind and gentle to Callie no Mayer how aggressive she gets

"Callie do you need to talk to me?" I said in a calm sad voice she noded carter was still asleep

I grabbed my note and pen and started writing down some stuff while she talks it sucks that her gf broke up with her she was inlove so much

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