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The next day at school Carmen looks at carter from a far distance as she is shocked to find him and link kissing

Carmen pov:what!?! What the actual hell!?! That cheater....he is cheating on his love with a soft boy I don't know if I should tell yuki about this because if I do then I will be the problem for telling her

.......that does it im going to disappear for awhile to do some....spy work....

Carter pov:I hugged link knowing he might be the second love of my life I kissed his cheek gently as he lets go of me and gets his things out of his locker I hugged him goodbye as he runs to his class I know he might be uncomfortable with me but he has to get used to me being clingy

"O-oh yuki hi I thought you were gonna be at home today!" I said as yuki hugged me from behind "I was but I had to grab something from my locker I left so I came to say hi to you and Carmen but she disappeared before I can greet her"she said while grabbing her phone out of her locker "okay well I have to go now bye!"she ran out of the school to her car

Link pov:I'm starting to simp over carter now even tho he is having an affair with his girlfriend just to be with me

I feel like I just want to tell yuki the truth but that will cause them to fight over who he really wants to stay with and yuki will be upset and blame it on my but if that ever happens I will be prepare

In class

Carter pov:ugh I can't stop thinking about link his purple hair makes me blush cause it has the scent of lilacs and lavenders his blue eyes are blue like blueberry's and his skin is so soft I want to feel him in me deeply......

Phone bings

Text:heyyy love I hope you miss me cause I miss you -yuki

Oh right I have a girl friend....As soon as I saw the text I put my phone back in my pocket and start to cry softly I have no idea why I'm doing this to yuki she's been with me scince 8th grade and I don't wanna ruin my relationship with her.....

Carmen pov:I know for a fact that link is not simping that much for carter he know carter has a girlfriend and he shouldn't do that to her

Carmen text:yui I think carter is up to something pls text me back when you can!!

Yuki text:car what are you saying?

Carmen text:it's really rough to explain this but I think carter might be cheating on you with link but I don't have proof now but I'll show you when I get the proof I'm sorry yui

Yuki text:your lying carter would never do that to me!!!,car?,CARMEN!?!

Ugh I hate doing this but I might have to stalk link back to his house to see if he invites carter or flirts with him on the phone

After school Carmen's stalks link and carter to links house and spies on hem through the window

As I watch I see them making out on the bed I then quickly take pictures of them making out and other things....ew I got some audio recordings of them doing there thang

Carmen text:attaches pics and audio recordings

Yuki:wow....you were right....he's cheating on me....WHY THO WHY I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG TO HIM!?!?!

Carmen:I know I'm disgusted as well but don't worry we will get through this together

Yuki pov:I turned my phone and broke into tears in my pillow so loud enough my step-sister Briana came in with a rush "yui what's wrong I heard you crying...!" She grabed my shoulders and hugged me as I told her what happened she got very mad....

Carter pov:as me and link finished with doing it he flopped back in bed trying to catch his breath "oh link... I'm very tired"I said while whispering in his ear "heh I know it felt good right?..."he said sitting up as his arms were shaking non stop just then his brother entered the room "WHAT THE HELL LI YOUR GAY!?!!" His brother said while laughing links ear twitched as he looked at his window "she was here I know it....she...spied on us....that bitch..."he whispered

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