13.a another friend

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The next day at school carter is waiting for everyone and he sees a new student who has his locker next to his

Carter pov:"oh hello are you new here?" I might of blushed abit I do that when I see someone I like

"Yes I am why?..."he has very short hair but long bangs "I'm link what's your name..."

"I'm carter!! I hope we can be good friends!! What instrument do you play?"I hated yelling but I do that whenever I see someone new

Link pov:he looks nice seems nice and acts nice ..... "oh I play French horn it's very fun but can be difficult" I talked as I grabed my stuff from my locker

I was nervous cause im in introvert and I always do homeschooling but my sister wanted me to go socialize and I hate it when she bully's me but...I have trauma from my past life tho
And im afraid he will be rude and judge mental to me

"Wow cool! I play clarinet!!,I can introduce you to me other friends cmon!" He grabed my hand and pulled me too his friends I held back my tears as I tried not to cry to hard

Carter pov;"Hey guys this is my new friend link!" I held him next to me so he won't feel bad I looked at him staring down on the floor crying an sobbing

"I'm sorry....I can't" he ran to the restroom

"Oh uh be right back!!"I said nervously

In the restroom

"Heyyy buddy you okay?"I saw him in the on the ground crying hard I then sat next to him holding him

"I'm sorry...please don't....hurt me.."he said while crying

"Wha!? Never your my best friend I would never hurt you in anyway alright?,here after school you can come over to my house for the night!!"I said holding his hands

Link pov:"really??...."I was sobbing a lot still I have really bad anxiety and it gets out of control a lot he nodded and he help me up and walked me to band class he also founded our I was in honors

"Wow you looked like to me you were in mid band?" He said in a excitement voice

"Oh hey I worked my ass off just to be in honors, I focused only on band because it's been my only passion" I said getting my intsrument out of my case

"Heh well scince I play clarinet I get Called a sissy boy"he frowned

"Hey your not a sissy boy my brother plays flute and he mastered it the 3rd week!!" I said with happiness it's a full band and I really love rehearsals:)

After school

Carter pov:"so link what do ya want to do or talk about?"I said as he sat in bed with me I liked him so much. But as a friend you know hehe...

"Uhm....well...first of all nice house I really like it..I live In a apartment so yeh hehe...."he said while blushing

"Hehe thanks bro and you don't have to be shy okay we can do and talk about anything"I smiled while scooting closer to him

"We can go see a movie or something?"apparently Tyler ear dropped on us

"Sure yeah..." link said as he got off the bed little did he know I might have a slight crush on him

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