25.wedding day and memories

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Yuki pov:a bunch of ladies were doing my hair and makeup while the guys were helping Carter with his hair I'm never felt so happy..... "So madam! Which color would you like for your dress!" The options were white with sparkles black with white sparkles with a cape... Or a yin yang themed dress with black and white swirls "oh I would like the swirls"

"Ooh good choice put it on!"they helped me with the zipper and put the viel on I looked at myself in the mirror....that's me....my childhood dream!....

"Ahaoo!!! Sweetheart oh you look so pretty!!!"my mom said "thank you poh poh I'm just so nervous...." She gave me a bouquet of white lilies "I'll be outside at the tables for you okay?"  "Mom?" She turned around "yes?" "Can you walk me down the isle?" She putted her hand on her chest "of course sweetheart!" She wrapped her arm around my arm

Carter pov:I was waiting in the center with Tyler next to me and link beside him "nervous?" Tyler asked me

"No and yes..heh"I said until the wedding march played on the soft instruments then I saw her..... A beautiful women that Is now gonna be my wife I blushed so much

Jus then she was Infront of me smiling at me the priest aka my dad began talking

"Welcome everyone to my son's wedding including his wonderful friends and brothers and sisters!,we will now began...Carter do you take yuki to be your lovely wife?" "I do.." I said he turned to yuki "yuki do you take Carter to be your lovely husband?" "I do"she said looking at me

"I now pronounce you husband and wife...*inhale* you may now kiss the bride" I then kissed yuki as everyone clapped we then hugged "oh yuki...." The wedding went on for awhile then a slow song went on I held yuki's hand and we danced then she kissed me again a bunch of people danced as well

Tyler and link...

Briana and Carmen...

Mom and dad...

And the other guests and family members tonight is perfect the girl I've been with since 8th grade is now and officially my wife "I love you so much yuki" I smiled "I love you too Carter.."

"Tonight is perfect I'm so happy your my husband.." she blushed as we continue dancing "all is next is having kids" she said "wow I didn't know you were in a rush to having kids..!"I blushed "well it's my second dream my first dreaming is happening right now!"

Yuki pov:yes I really want children but only 2 a boy and a girl or twin girls or boys hah,but now its time to cut the cake!

As we cutted the cake the camera man took pictures while I tried to hold Carter's shaky hand as everyone is eating their cake slices I was feeding Carter like a baby :) "hey stop that"he said I chuckled as we ate I held his hand with my soft black and white glove

After the wedding we went to our new apartment "*sigh* oh yuki tonight was amazing..." I said in bed with our pajamas on "yes it was...I'm so happy now that your my husband..." I got on top of Carter's chest and fell asleep

Just thinking about our wedding makes me smile "goodnight yuki..."Carter said playing with my hair "goodnight Carter..."

Tyler pov:I went home with link and Liz and looked at post of the wedding I posted on Instagram and TikTok"ya know link I'm so proud of my brother..." "Me too, remember our wedding?" He chuckled
"Yep...Liz walked the lise with me it was so cute..." We cuddled and fell asleep

Carmen pov:"what a good wedding right?" I told Briana "yeah! It was so cute and beautiful!! Heh I remembered our wedding,you were very nervous while dancing!" "Because I don't know how to dance silly" I putted my arm around briana and kissed her cheek "oh Carmen....I love you a lot..."she said before falling asleep on my chest

"she said before falling asleep on my chest

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