23.alone together~

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Smut warning :)

Tyler pov:I was hanging out with link because he just had another episode and he wanted me to stay with him for the day I was rubbing his hair as he just stayed in my chest quietly

"Link pls say something your worrying me" I said looking down at him "I'm hungry..." He said with a sweet tone in his voice I got up but then he grabbed my wrist

"Hey what-"I said

"I'm not hungry for food~..." He then pulled me onto his lap "oh...my link?" His hand slid into my shirt "babe..." He blew air on my neck then licking my neck "link.." I said as he unzipped my pants "do you want this?"he said

"Yes but let's go your room"I said excitedly,we went to his room as he made out with my neck as I moaned and he pulls down my pants "wait here and take off your clothes" he said going to his closet

I did as he told me to and waited for him

Link pov:I was getting the things I needed for this night I got out a collar and hand cuffs I put them on the night stand as I removed my clothes and put the collar on him with a thin leash with handcuffs

I sucked on his neck leaving hickeys "link....more..." He moaned as I licked Tyler's lips but I accidentally slid my tongue in his mouth "ah daddy!!" I looked at him confused

I pulled the leash towards me "shh.... Liz is sleeping" I dropped the leash "when are you gonna fuck me!!"he whined "oh? You want this?" He nodded I began sliding myself into him as he stuck his tongue out in pleasure "oh!! Ngh.. mm.. link your so warm....in me...."Tyler said

Who knew being horny could get you into this I thought to myself "babe!! I'm gonna...I'm about to cu-!" Before he could finished he squirted on my knees "damn..." I licked the liquid off of him and took off the handcuffs and collar and made out with him he played with my hair as he slide his hand down my ass "link.....?"  "Yes?"  "I...love....you..."

"Be mine...forever..."Tyler's voice was very Shakey I lay down next to him as he petted my head "I promise to keep you safe Tyler...."  "Same here" we both fell asleep with the covers on our cold bodies and we fell asleep.....


I woke up a few hours later and Tyler was in the living with Liz "damn bro what time is it?" I said getting up and walking to the living room "hey babe" Tyler said waving at me

I sat with him on the couch... And went on with the day

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